Thoughts on solo shuffle tourney

Really enjoyed it. The pacing was great with the addition of damp mechanic 1 minute into match.

Also like that they emphasized melee/caster/healer comps, which makes things a lot more interesting. Look forward to NA tomorrow!

Would honestly be better for everyone (on ladder and tournament) if they were able to make it so every solo shuffle started with this comp makeup and shuffled through from there so you cycle through melee/caster, melee/melee, caster/caster in each set of games. It’s the most fair. Maybe can’t be done due to queue times though.

RMP has entered the chat

Anything that holds rmp down is a good thing :slight_smile:

Sure RMP has been insane but I’m speaking more in a general sense for limiting comps that are toxic for certain specs. For example being a warlock with 2 fury wars and an outlaw rogue sucks. Same if I was the ret with 2 locks and an spriest. Those types of game are just horrible and having each game start with a balance of each role would help minimize those scenarios while still providing comp variety throughout the rotations.

edit: would just be nice and lead to less overall complaining if no caster ever had to be the solo punching bag in a dress for 2 melee and vice versa.