When was the last patch? 9 months before release?
No, 9 months of no new content, for a paid sub game, is not ‘too little time’.
Absolutely, as well as all the other months squandered. It is enough time.
What you should be asking is, if they delayed it another two months, would they fix these issues? Because the problem isn’t the time- the problem is they aren’t going to fix it either way.
And considering their employees are literally starving themselves because despite being overworked they’re spending almost everything they make just on rent- I’m not too surprised that the quality is lacking, people start to lose efficiency at around 30 hours of work a week so even working regular hours you’re getting diminishing returns from people- and as that reaches 50, 60, more they become exponentially worse, to the point where people will get more done working 30 hours a week than 60 simply due to exhaustion. Add starvation to that because they can’t even afford to eat at the company cafeteria (which is absolutely baffling)- we’re going to get an unfinished product, guaranteed.
But that has nothing to do with when they release it, and everything to do with their abysmal management. But when you have a leader who takes 40M bonuses even when he performs horribly, of course there’s going to be a trickle down effect of terrible management.
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Too soon!
To be honest, it would take 6 months to fully fix Covenants.
Because historically, they generally have been.
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We’ll see.
I couldn’t say either way, they definitely seem to have come a long ways from where it used to be, but there is still a lot to do; though they still have two months for that. Just keep getting that feedback in as much as possible and making them aware of things to the best of our ability is all we can do.
No. They should take 6. They have a lot of work to do, and I don’t want to see 9.1 be “The Patch Where We Fix Our Mistakes”
Happy - I was expecting late November. Sooner is better, this patch is too flawed to carry the distance.
my thoughts
we are doomed and its over!
Joining the covenant only to see it getting nerfed will piss off lots of players.
Launches are good, the games themselves have been buggy and broken.
You’re never NOT going to get a buggy game in a game this large.
That said, most bugs aren’t game breaking, just annoying.
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Yeah small indie companies try their best I guess but they can only do so much.
They’re aren’t going to spend time fixing something they don’t think is broken.
Then they’ll get a fast falloff in subscribers, as usual.
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There was never any chance of a major change to Covenants before launch. They said they may make changes later but Covenants are launching pretty much as is. All the #PullTheRipcord spam isn’t going to change that.
Because more often than not blizzard is releasing unfinished content. Where have you been?..
See, this is exactly the problem. If they’re going to retain subscribers from the new expansion spikes, they need to fix things before the expansion drops, not afterwards. Fixing them later guarantees a subscriber dropoff.
Their current strategy is exactly the wrong thing to do, and they’re doing it over and over again.
Low numbers of early adopters as well. I want to see this final build they apparently have that’s ready for launch so many posters keep saying exists. I have a feeling Covenants and classes are pretty much finished development meaning some combos are going to be DOA.
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Thats not how it works bud.
Legions last patch 7.3 - bfa launch was 12months.
WoDs last patch lasted about 13 months and MoPs last patch lasted 14 months…
This last BFA patch will only be 9 months before launch of shadowlands. that puts blizzard WAAAY ahead of schedule and faster than any expansion before.
Perfect! BfA needs to be over ASAP.
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