Thoughts on rated solo queue rn?

I’ve done 2 and both were dominated by 9/9 elite geared gamers that 100-0 the first thing they touched.


Have you done any yet ? Right now the main problem is people quitting matches right before they end because they aren’t getting a rating penalty for deserting just the deserter debuff that makes you wait to que again for awhile - what you think about that

I like the fact that I can que instead of spending half my time looking for groups. Love the instant que. I notice I don’t gain anything to my Vault and I read that you can’t upgrade your PVP gear. Hopefully this is a bug that will be addressed before DF comes out.


Well my first game was ruined by someone who left in round 4. Now i don’t feel like playing.

There needs to be a 1hr duration debuff for the first offense, and a day long restriction for the second.

Leaving early ruins 5 other peoples match and wastes 10m+ minutes of their gameplay. 30-50 minutes of total playtime wasted. This is ridiculous. And what is the punishment? a 15minute timeout?

How many people have the patience to sit through match after match getting ruined by random as$holes? Why the hell does blizzard care about handling people like this with kids gloves?


Increase the penalty for leaving and make it account-wide.


A player just left my match on the 6th round just as they were about to die. I presume that was the person that left anyway.

WTB some kind of protection against this kind of griefing. This game mode will be unfun without that. Sitting in queue for a long time, sweating thru some pvp, just to make no progress whatsoever. This is prepatch so it stings less, but I can’t see myself wanting to deal with this in DF. And I was so excited for this game mode.

P.S. I got the same healer for 2 consecutive matchups in a row. Someone left the first matchup before round 3 started, and this healer had lost 2 rounds really hard right off the bat. First penalty is 1 minute as I understand it, and healer queue is quick. This same healer was the one about to die on round 6 in matchup 2 after only winning 1 round prior. I’m pretty sure I was griefed by ONE player, spending a full half hour+ with no rating progress or currency reward. WTF blizzard…

EDIT: I looked at my chat log to see if I still had the timestamps. Looks like it was indeed just over a half hour in total (2nd queue was blessfully quick) and I did get some currency: 500 honor, 100 for first matchup and 400 for the second. Big whoop.


I wouldn’t be able to click it fast enough if it became a feature.

Yeah, people will be leaving after round 4 every shuffle if they haven’t won a game. Anybody in their right mind will easily take a 15 minute time out rather than lose rating.


Played some more Solo and thought of some ideas. First off, not being able to gain anything for your Vault & unable to upgrade your PVP gear is hopefully a bug that will be addressed in the future.

That being said. How do you guys feel if in the future they make some changes on how the matches work. You keep the shuffling, but you make it like 3s where all members of the team have to die for you to win. I think this would be better than just having to pile on the weakest member every match. Would be more enjoyable IMO.


It would take ages but giving the other team something like 30s to kill someone and get a draw might be a good compromise.

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only queued one last night but didnt think it was all that bad, definitely zero balance atm, BM feels pretty strong rn too, kill command go burrr, hope it lasts into df

No thanks. 15 minutes is fine but like most have said, there needs to be a cr loss equal to losing all 6rnds


“A topic we’ve discussed internally and seen feedback on with the Brawl and on Beta is: what happens if a player leaves the match before all the rounds end? We want to disincentivize players from leaving their match, punish them appropriately, and have minimal impact on players who did not leave. The leaver will receive a Deserter debuff that will increase in penalty for each consecutive offense.”
They should be getting a stacking debuff for leaving.

Yeah, but that’s a mild penalty if you’re trying to cross a rating threshold. Zero incentive to not leave if you don’t lose CR.


Can’t upgrade what gear? In DF pvp gear doesn’t need to be upgraded to be max ilvl in PvP.

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Yep, this is only worth doing for me if I can upgrade my gear with it. Blizzard’s gatekeeping nickel and diming of everything is getting tiresome.


I thought blizzard explicitly said that you can upgrade gear with the rating…??? What is blizzard even doing ??


I did about 12 games last night of the 12 games, about 5 games someone left and no one got any rating, wasting my time. One game a guy alt f4 in round 6 and despite me winning 5 out of 6 rounds I got no credit


People just leave after the 2nd 3rd or in the last round. Completely ruins your game and the Q time is 15 mins+ so its not like you brush it off and hop into another game.

It ruins momentum and at any point people can just Q dodge.

If it’s “RATED” arena then they should receive a loss of points for leaving and whoever is in the lead currently should receive 50% of the win points or something.

This system where we get nothing and the game just gets abandoned is a waste of everyone’s time and a Q dodgers dream.

I think it’s a system that’s been live for less than 24 hours that can and will see improvement over time. They are working some things out.

I’m ok with it, the season hasn’t even started and rating doesn’t matter when nobody is pushing.