Thoughts on monk so far?

Curious about waht everyone thinks about monk so far for 9.2?

I’m slapping big damage by throwing beer at bad guys. I can’t wait to get my 4pc for bigger kegs of beer.

I stopped playing WW and I’m playing my mage when I’m asked to dps.

I haven’t played MW either.

Yea Im considering the same thing, it feels like the value of WW has dropped, MW dropped lower. Brew already in a good spot and then their set bonus seems very strong. Eager to get my hands on the 4p lol

WW is doing fine atm, pretty much the same as sanctum. Cracked on some fights, but extremely underwhelming in ST. Sucks that soulrender hasn’t reappeared this tier, but the raid does have fights for us to shine.

For now WW is more than fine to warrant a raid spot. Tier will unfortunately not be as great for us as it is for other classes. 4 piece will bring us an extra ~13% ST damage. With some specs getting into the 20%s, our ST will start to lag even more. We do have very bursty ST though, so our damage profile will be good for some fights. Think popping sun king’s shield in mythic nathria (I’m sure dausenge’s shield will be similar).

We’re in the same spot as always. Aoe specialist that excels on adds so the other raiders can work on the boss. Though not unlike MW, our niche has more competition this tier than in sanctum. We still do well within our niche though.

You gotta get mystic touch somewhere, especially with how great melee is this tier. WW is a fine spec to get it from if you don’t have a brew. MW seems to be in the same boat.

There are definitely worse specs to bring than WW.

Give it time, I’m doing 34k dps on Anduin. Many guilds are still working on prog so when both Anduin and Lords of Dread pop up that’s when you’ll see it.

I feel really weak in Mythic+ as a Mistweaver. Almost ready to give up on my character


I’m very casual , but I really wish they would remove the interaction of Whirling Dragon Punch with the other two abilities. I just want to be able to hit it when I want to hit it. I already dislike WW monk mastery, so I think I’m just going to continue to play other classes until I personally enjoy monk again. (sadly, I used to love monk).

What 34k dps cleaving the adds that you shouldn’t really be focusing during burn? That’s pad dps… Higher st is better on anduin. I would be curious to see what your damage on anduin/lk was compared to your group.

It’s not “pad” those adds need to die, having someone who can absolutely melt the adds like a ww just means that the other dps can funnel more into arthas.


Feels WW man. It’s like we got left on the back burner.

On a side note. Did Reverse Harm get nerfed?

It is pad. Natural cleave is plenty to kill the adds.

Lol, I guess soulrender adds were just “pad” also, not like having a ww there to vaporize those adds was good either :joy:


They are not the same…anduins HP is linked to the rem and you need to pump it during the 200% buff. The Little adds are melting from natural cleave regardless. Purposely cleaving is actually hurting your raid as that could have been more dps on rem/anduin.

But that is WW cleave. At 5 stacks of MoTC, with BdB & calculated strikes, you’ll do more ST damage with SCK than you would with a normal priority. Not even counting dance procs.

And the adds do have to die after all. Giving space for the ST specs to focus on that is more raid damage to the remnant than if the monk wasnt “padding” as you put it.

Now hitting extra balls on pain smith? That’s what padding is (even if again, SCK was the optimal way to damage a single ball), not Andy adds.

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If the adds don’t die in that intermission phase you’ll likely wipe when the damage reduction falls off afterwards.

Spinning Crane Kick is not an ability that meteors or splits damage based on targets hit so hitting adds is also hitting fallen king and monstrosity.

Saying that “Single target is better” I think is incorrect since the fight strat would be currently:

Group 1 (Healer+DPS) - No cooldowns on pull, first downstairs intermission you Xuen+Clone Anduins Despair w/ DK grips

Group 2 - (Healers+SomeDPS) - Heal Anduins hope + Kill all of Anduins doubts and ignore Despair

Upstairs - Anduin hits 80% roughly and Fallen King Phase starts

Fallen King - Group1 gets their cooldowns back for first ghoul wave , Group2 gets their cooldowns back for second ghoul wave. All damage into FK goes into Anduin so you take about 40% of his health away in this first phase. The second Fallen King will trigger p3 at 10%.

Windwalker has cooldowns for both ghoul waves. First Sigil and IQD are also available for both ghoul waves.

Then you repeat going into the second half of the fight.

The second fallen king you won’t have First Sigil but ideally you push him only on IQD to 10%.

It’s hard to compare raw single target (Anduin + Fallen King damage) between groups because Group 1 is cleave off big add, Group 2 is nuke little adds, and generally all DPS in group 1 are unable to use cooldowns on Anduin because they either aren’t short enough or don’t line up.

Windwalker, MM, BM Hunter are good examples of classes that have to go down and spend charges of SEF and cooldowns in the intermission.

Balance druid you’ll also find lower on boss damage because they’re group 2 DPS who are expected to kill all the doubts.

There is a big difference between AoE and ST spec responsibilities in that fight.

Demonology doesn’t go down I don’t believe (it’s a DPS loss for them to do so) and PI during Fallen King.

Sub rogue can dance downstairs + dance boss and have their dance back up for intermission. Outlaw can for sure because of ruthlessness and I believe Assassination can to. They’re really only better for phase 3 though on prog. Dance I don’t think is better than cat+clones whenever 5 stacks is involved unless it’s super bursty and adds don’t live long.

There is more than just “ST is good and if your not top on Anduin your bad”

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Brewmaster is fun. Maybe not the best tank in the game but it’s fun.

Windwalker has a niche in mythic+

Mistweaver is kind of just existing. Probably the worst of the three specs.

I have no comment on anything PvP related

I think I surprise people when I heal as well as I do when playing a monk. It is like they forget that we can throw down with our HPS.

I don’t have a set bonus yet but it will be nice when we have Sinister Teaching correctly working in conjunction with AToM… on top of the set bonus. Our HPS will be good….

We just need some attention with our overall damage.

I will be fine soon… the day of reckoning is approaching. The heal of the fist, is the way.

Really nice good damage and good survivability on Necro.

I recently switched to WW as main… overall I’m really enjoying myself. I feel like I have enough utility and the rotation is enjoyable.
Some negatives tho:
Tier set is… boring? When Kyrian burst rotation is to cancel FoF its like… wow… no value from 2piece here…
4 Piece is a potential trap, you’re better off ignoring it and just play normally as you can lose dps if you try and hold abilities for it.
Single target dps is sub par, and the tier set doesnt help us stay in touch… I thought for sure the tier set would get reowrked in testing…
Tier 7 talents are zzzzzz… its WDP for all content… I dont know what to say about this without being too critical…

General things id like to change:
FoF doesnt get cancelled when interupting… I dont really understand why this is a thing.
FoF doesnt require a target, not a big deal… sometimes I just want to activate it in a pack but my target is just outside melee range. I could concede on this one tho
WDP doesnt cause loss of movement… Windwalker is meant to be fluid and mobile… just feels bad… a 7th tier talent shouldnt come at a cost imo … id keep the jump tho just allow movement too.