I also would like 5 more. Good stuff blizz
If you think the dungeon is interesting you’re delusional. Or maybe just never played anything actually good.
The light mechanic has been bad every single time they’ve implemented it in wow.
None of the bosses are interesting, harbinger is by far the worst offender but the rest aren’t far behind. And you won’t convince me ever that harbinger is anything other than a boss that kills you by causing you to fall asleep because nothing is happening. The Baroness mini-boss is more engaging than most of the boss fights.
The trash is tedious due to the light and their high health pools. The triple criminal pack is mildly hilarious when a tank gets deleted because 3 mobs hit them at the same time for 2.5k each.
They made damage sponges with 1m hp for a 5 man, threw a 5 minute enrage on them with some gimmick mechanics that are solvable in less than 2 pulls. If your solution is to full consume+world buff for a 5 man, it’s poorly tuned.
Atleast the relics got fixed I guess.
Cute to complain about pugs btw. Really low brain stuff.
I liked it, but they forgot to add healing loot again.
It was cool.
Never liked fights when you can’t play your character (silence, MC, etc.).
Harbinger fight was my favorite by far.
Going to be one of those dungeons where people think it’s cool but will never run it again unless they absolutely have to (like DFC).
Not planning on rerunning it for reals farming.
Ikanaide thoughts are similar to mine. If the dungeon (5 man Btw), catchup for naxx, requires very good clear to clear (anti catchup?), it’s just kind of out of place? 1st day on WG horde, wow there’s a TON of groups, by friday, hardly any pugs forming. If this dungeon is meant for only guilds to run I think it’s kind of a miss then. You baited new players to join SoD with catchups and this catchup is not a catchup. It’s one of those it’s cool to see but stay away from once you get your stuff or naxx comes out.
I dont think the dungeon itself was ever advertised as a catch-up geared dungeon. The whole phase was and it kinda does with the invasions.
I’m ok with a dungeon being in the game for decked out players give them more stuff to do instead of raid logging. That alone is a win in my book. I dont feel bad that I can’t run my alts through there.