As I’ve been playing the game over the years, I’ve taken a liking to trying out and playing multiple specs of many classes. I am also a macro junkie that likes to make macros for just about all of my abilities as melee/ranged dps and healing/tanking.
Here are some examples:
I use @mouseover macros to taunt, interrupt, cast ranged dps/melee dps spells & abilities, debuffs, decurses, and heal friendlies. Macros for PVP Talents/trinket/Combos, focus targets, and to use trinkets with CDs. I use @cursor for leaps/Rogue Hook/AOE/mass dispel/Water Elemental Freeze/etc, @player for personal Power Word:Shield/Angelic Feather/etc. I have them for DBM Pull Timers and cancel timer, Toy Combos, Emotes, Built in Cancel Auras (bladestorm/dispersion/glider/levitate/slowfall/annoying easter bunny costume placed on you by your “friends”), Boss macros like canceling HOTS and buffs for mythic Raden, TomTom map coordinates for POIs like rares and vendors, Vendor purchase scripts, combo disenchant/enchant vellums, Equip fishing pole and fish, Quality of life macros like leaving a vehicle, my personal favorite of using a snare spell or item like a net on a flying alliance player followed by a netomatic shot :D, all in one talent row macros like Halo/Divine Star, Divine Steed+Invisibilty potion, the classic bubble hearth macro, and target+focus named mobs to find them easier in the world to name a few.
So my point is that the macro tabs need some long needed love and I don’t know why this hasn’t been implemented expansion after expansion… Believe me I’ve asked them to do something in every beta I’ve been in.
I currently have most of my Character Specific Macros filled up by one spec of the toons I play. I play at least two specs on all of them, so the over flow gets mixed in with the General Macros. If I play all the specs like I have on my paladin, I’m forced to put quite a large amount of macros into the General Macros tab. I think I would probably fill up everything and have run out of room for anything else if I played all specs of my Druid.
You can imagine how frustrating it is to find a Paladin macro to edit while its swimming in a sea of druid, priest, mage, warrior, demon Hunter, shaman, and actual General Macros…
I was frustrated messing with macros in BFA, even with all the pruning that happened. I can see that macro management is going to be a huge problem for me now that I’m messing around in the Shadowlands beta.
More spells, more abilities, more talents, more toys = Nightmare for macro junkies.
I cannot be the only macro-holic in WoW. I’ve seen forum posts here and there over the past decade and a half about this topic since Vanilla.
I cannot imagine that it takes that many resources on Blizzard’s end to increase the amount of Character Specific Macros on their end. Give me 20 rows of Class Specific Macros in addition to the 20 Rows of General Macros and I’d be overwhelingly satisfied. This is probably a simple code hot fix they could do in no time with the current system.
Something amazing, that would probably take quite some time to do, would be to also completely redo the macros window. Allow it to search and categorizing macros according to class/spec/general and be able to pull code from macros on other characters that you have.
For right now though, just give us 20 rows of General Macros AND Class Specific Macros please.