Thoughts on Glad Mounts

With the change to account wide Gladiator Mounts going through in Shadowlands, I had an idea to make it up to the players who are getting the short end of the stick with this change. The ones who spent time/effort playing catch up on alts to getting another Glad mount, to only have that time and effort go to waste when those mounts become Account-Wide.


So we all know there are expansions that have unused Gladiator Mounts. Some of which actually don’t look too bad or even maybe slightly better than some of the one’s released. Examples:

www.warcraftmounts .com/mounts/palegladiatorsprotodrake.php
www.warcraftmounts .com/mounts/tealarmorednetherdrake.php
www.warcraftmounts .com/mounts/gladiatorsivorycloudserpent.php

Instead of letting them rot in the game files, why not let us get access to them by possibly exchanging one we got two of, for an unused one.

Now before people ask, I’m not suggesting allowing players to trade in a BFA Proto-Drake for a BC Netherdrake. Absolutely not. I’m just suggesting being able to trade a Glad mount you got two of, for one of the unused ones from that same expansion. Could even keep the same name, but it would just give you a recolor of the one you already have.

Why would this change matter to players?

Well the first thing it would do would be make all the time and effort people put into getting Glad mounts on multiple characters not completely go to waste.

The second thing would be to add motivation to keep playing in Shadowlands after getting a season’s mount. Speaking for more than just myself, there are players who have lost motivation this season to play alts since the announcement. If you aren’t good enough to push rank 1, then if the season isn’t fun, why keep playing if you have already got the mount? This would add incentive, at least for me, to play after getting Glad each season. Which typically takes A LOT of time and effort playing catch up to do regardless of the meta.


Ps: In the perfect world this would also be class specific. I.E. getting glad twice on the same class in a season wouldn’t allow you to trade one in for an unused one. We don’t need to see more fotm rerollers playing two of the same class.


Interesting idea. I don’t think it’s bad. At the same time there were people who didn’t want to be bothered with bfa catch up the entire expac to grind the same crappy proto drake on a different toon. Not sure it’s fair to them to not get an exclusive color

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TLDR :upside_down_face:

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I wouldn’t mind trading one of my demonic drakes for a vindictive

That’s not what he was saying at all zez. He said u can trade one of them for one of the unreleased colors still in the game files. Ex: trading a spare dread glad mounts for the pale glad mount reskin

This. Sorry if it wasn’t clear.

In my mind, you trade in a second of any glad mount you’ve got, for one of the skins that won’t or haven’t been used.

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Let’s face it. Shadowlands glad mounts will probably be a giant shadow spider that looks as goofy as proto drakes with their lil T. rex arms

Pretty sure it’s already confirmed as the shadow beast dragon thing bud

Oh. Guess it shows how little faith or hyped I am for this expansion. Looks good tho.

Lmao nah blizzard won’t give an enchant illusion to people who legit have the actual enchant to prove it on their weapons.

Def asking for to much un4ch.


I actually have an extra sinister mount to trade in!

How would that work for players like me that got glad in TBC? Or is this like a moving forward type thing?

Does my warlock just get one gifted to him since I have the same S4 drake on my paladin? :slight_smile:

What about players that have an alliance and horde of the same class. Would this discourage those players from keeping both sides of the ladder more active?

Well the account wide change is including past seasons, so if I was in charge this would include past seasons as well.

And yes, if during a BC season you got the same mount on 2 different toons, you’d be able to get access to 1 unused BC mount.

I have an extra dread and sinister!!! Like literally both in my banks on my main. Idk why blizzard just messed up and sent 2

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Thinking that Blizzard would revert the change in favor of doing something that would require development and implementing what sounds like a convoluted solution.

You’re drunk.

The Lawyer already made up his mind on this one even though the majority of people who had glad mounts spoke out against it.

Hopefully this isn’t the same lawyer teenage streamers use against you, that guy is iron clad.

did they confirm this cause everyone called me dumb when i put money on it 3 months ago

Should not have said confirmed my b. It’s everything but confirmed. I’d place my money on it too. 5 colors of it with armor. And there are unarmored models of it as well. If it’s not this mount blizzard straight up trolling us

I’m just playing devil’s advocate to flush out the idea, I by no means hate the idea, and I’d encourage players to suggest more interesting rewards’ they would like to see to increase PvP participation.

I’d just have a few questions:

1.) Do you think having class wide Gladiator mounts could hurt the participation on Alliance for players who have 1 class on both factions? (Obviously, PvP is pretty horde donimate and it’s looking like that will only get worst in the future.)

  • Does this solve that issue?

2.) Off of that, those players that do play both Horde and Alliance, yet play the same class (maybe with different people) help out the community with keeping both factions a little more populated. Does having a unique to class restriction unnecessarily punish those players?

  • Same with maybe 1 person who has 2 horde Priests that play with 2 different “teams” of players, do they not get “rewarded” with another mount?

3.) Legion had 7 “reskins” of the same mount, does there really need to be a 8th? 9th? 10th? etc

  • At what point does it just become a blur of colors and kindof over saturates it. (Personally, I think the prestige will slightly reduce with BoA glad mounts, but it is what it is)

4.) Say I got gladiator these last 4 seasons, on 2 different characters. Are there 4 different colors I can get now? What’s the longevity of this solution after acquiring Gladiator Season 1 on two separate characters?

Again, just playing devils advocate, not trying to be a D.


5.) What would be your thoughts on a “Meta Gladiator” achievement, where if you get gladiator on all 12 classes, you get a unique Drake, or a Meta achievement for getting 3 classes on Horde and 3 classes on Alliance Gladiator?

I’d say 50/50. Gladiators mounts usually have some real fancy saddles and the armor also seems a bit off especially considering how eye catching it looks on the current glad mounts.