Thoughts on Garrosh in SL now that he's perma dead?

WoD was years ago so my memory of it isn’t great either. i didn’t mind the alternate universe part, but putting such a heavy emphasis on only orcs wasn’t particularly enjoyable. Plus they robbed us of getting to kill grom.

I dont recall any place that claim that green or superior items are actually magical. In fact, there’s a lot of evidence that contradicts that. You can get some normal crafting materials and craft uncommon, rare or epic gear.

The color in the item’s name is about QUALITY and not magical level or intensity.

And they dont need to justify level of the characters, wheter they are players, NPC’s or enemies. Even less in a game the actually SCALES content meanwhile you play it. Even in Timewalk there’s a level downgrade that happens purely on gameplay bases and not on power level bases.

Want another, better example? Archimonde. We killed Archimonde in WoD EARLIER in his lifetime than we did in BC. So what, a demon lord became weaker in a few years? Basically we killed him at level 100 and later in the timeline we killed again at level 70?

Or how can u justify Legendary items? Or again, the Heart of Azeroth.

Claiming this to justify increases on levels of power to take down Titans or Old Gods it’s just nonsense.

The setup for it was so bad. Garrosh has a massive advantage in attacking Azeroth since we just came off of another war/civil war, and he had the element of surprise. His troops manage to capture a single zone before being halted? The hell.

Grom getting the final line of “Draenor is free” is so tone deaf when he’s one of the main leaders in wiping out the Draenei and plunging their continent into war.

It’s one of my most hated expansion stories and I’m glad it was relegated to an alternate universe that’s collapsing out of existence.

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I’m not saying anything about intensity, i am saying they are literally made of fairy dust when you break them down. They could be the weakest magic in the world, but greens are made of magic. The scaling is recent.
We… didn’t kill archimonde earlier in his lifetime in AU draenor. That’s the same archimonde from the main universe. He’s still alive because demons go to the twisting nether instead of dying except sometimes they don’t because why would blizzard be consistent. Also AU draenor wasn’t the past, it was the past when garrosh arrived in it, then caught up to the present day, at which point they invaded us. Which is why the warlords were all so old and changed.

By the way is it dumb that the entire planet is different but apparently the same burning legion operates in both? Yes. There are a whole lot of questions about how the alternate draenor worked and the fact time travel + dimension travel was involved makes it even more confusing.

Second edit: Apparently they tried to clarify that archimonde is for realsies dead this time because he died in the twisting nether? I don’t remember the fight taking place there. What a mess that whole thing was.

being warchief must cause a permanent time wrap/ bloodlust effect culminating in a type of zelous fanaticism that only a true warchief like Sylvanas can handle by doing nothing wrong

She quit the job. Even if you support her surely she should have stayed warchief then?

It was actually a rather genius way of redeeming him (to an extent) in the eyes of the player, without redeeming him in the eyes of the other characters. In the end, Garrosh stuck to his guns and continued to put what he believed to be the best interest of The Horde before anyone or anything else.

Was in mythic Hellfire Citadel

Loved his I have nothing to atone for stance. An orc of conviction.

Brutal conviction? yes.

Better than sorry I killed 1000 of your people in war, again. Won’t happen again, cough until the next expac or maybe 2, cough. Also a yes to me.

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Garrosh went out like a champ, very based and red spirit pilled.

Yeah theres a 2015 blizzcon lore thing where they talk about it, but the lore guy basically says they might change their mind later.

Garrosh’s corruption arc was so strange, because i think its hard to understand what was supposed to be corrupt about him, but we get kicked out of his faction by blizzard anyway. He bombed theramore, a major alliance port through which alliance troops constantly funnel. Then he went and controlled an old god shard, which might have seemed bad if it caused him to actually do anything crazy but he doesn’t really seem to have changed much. Honestly I wish we had been allowed to stick with him i certainly would have chosen to fight on garrosh’s side. Its not the first time players have complained that its not clear why we are fighting people though. A lot of people would have joined illidan in BC had blizzard not locked out that option. Hell in drustvar you work with a foreign group of invaders who committed genocide against the native population and are supposed to blame the natives, kind of a similar deal with the barrens and how the orcs treated the centaur and quillboar really.

Archimonde came back during the legion druid campaign, the whole campaign was revolved around defeating him, but when he was too strong, one of the wild druid gods trapped themselves in eternal battle alongside Archimonde in some rift and we’ve never heard back since.

Garrosh was always hot blooded after Thrall told him how heroic his dad was after he freed them from the bloodlust. I don’t agree with Thrall glorifying Grom in that way since he was the first one to drink the demon blood but it’s why Garrosh thought the ends justify the means. Him hating the Alliance in Wrath made no sense to me since he had just met them. None of the altercations the Horde and Alliance had before that point had Garrosh around.

Then in Cata you have Thrall abandon him and put him in a position he didn’t want. His advisors, the other racial leaders, had no respect for him. Carine challenged him to mak’gora over a misunderstanding, Voljin threatens to assassinate him, and Sylvanas is Sylvanas. He also had to clean up Thralls mess. Org was on the verge of starving and it’s what prompted the invasion into Ashenvale.

MoP just cemented his hatred of the 3 races that had shunned him. he could buy the Goblins cooperation so they were fine. The old god thing I’m kind of confused about since everyone wanting you dead doesn’t really bode well for a stable empire, but he wanted the world so w/e.