Dunno how many of you guys are into ufo stuff, but if you are this is definitely something to check out.
Nah, Fermi Paradox.
They have never reached here, don’t think anyone will ever reach here. We won’t ever be able to reach “there.”
We don’t even know that there is someone TO reach here, which is where the paradox comes in. Statistically there SHOULD be such life, but there isn’t. Or if there is, they could be caveman (possibly ALWAYS cavemen.)
Part of the whole “UFO” problem, is the assumption that if there is life it is MORE advanced than we are; we ourselves are the rarity, even among the dominant species. Even after being plunged into the dark ages, for hundreds of years, no one else “caught up” to the Europeans. Instead, they landed on the shores of the continental United States and the people living there were still in the stone age. I think the Central Americans may have been in the bronze age, if even that?
Enough time had passed (just during the dark ages) that Europeans could have been greeted by xenophobic Native Americans, with advanced rifles and automobiles who talked on cell phones. But instead, they had simply been in the stone age for ALL THAT TIME; things did not progress in Europe for a reason.
So imagine any life, even as advanced as we are on another planet, where they might possibly just be stuck in something like the stone age forever.
It kind of makes me think of the weird series “Devs”, with Nick Offerman. In talking about viewing the computer simulation of what was possibly happening with early people, he mentions “… 5000 years of painting on cave walls…”
Opposable thumbs don’t just lead to computers and being more advanced. There are steps, which are own world has shown might actually be RARE.