Here are my thoughts. It seems like every start to a new week after reset the tanking of my rating starts and will end on the weekend and then the climb will begin. I swear the downward spiral is unreal at times. I am relatively new to anything rated but ffs losing over and over like that is grueling and just becomes unfun. There are games that are fun at time but so many people are toxic asf. The toxicity is over lack of communication/teamwork and yet there is in game voice chat and it seems like no one is willing to use it.
What are your thoughts?
I find it helps if you break up your queues. You can queue for up to three things at a time, so try that.
You should only chain queue Blitz if you’re in the middle of a win streak.
Yep. I Que up randoms
And blitz unless I’m in a win streak. Just gotta get the mmr high and pound. I’m starting my third healer and push to 1800 before season ends. It’s like Texas holdem. It looks like luck of the draw …but the good players crank out cr. I think over the span of say 100games luck rng doesnt play much into it anymore
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If you start a losing streak it’s best to take a break. Not just for tilting reasons but it’s likely when on a losing streak if you are just spamming queues you are just queuing into the same types of players you are losing with to begin with. Got to break the cycle.
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