Thoughts for Undead Druid forms

They could pull themselves apart and rearrange themselves for whatever mode of transportation they need.

They’ll be the standard Bear/Cat/Stag/Boomkin/Owl forms, but with the blighted/decayed skin models.


Undead feral form:

Undead bear form:

Undead tree form:

(if you get it… you get it)

Undead flight form:


TBH people like complaining about lightforged warlocks not making sense, but undead druids make about as much sense as void elf paladins. Life and death are opposing forces and make 0 sense for undead druids.


I picture the mechagnome druid having a travel form similar to Ravage from Transformers.

Zombie bear

Zombie stag

Zombie vulture

Zombie shark

Zombie lion

Rotting zombie tree

Zombie moonkin


Feral form should be a spider.

I am not taking questions.

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Undead druids make complete sense, look at Kul’tirans. Nature is a cycle of life and death, most druids have practiced the life aspect of nature, up until Kul’tirans druids released were we introduced to the death aspect of it. Undead can practice the death aspect and would make probable sense. (Since all classes are going inevitably release for all races, this lore would make the most sense for the undead druids.)

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Shadowlands decided that was not the case for Druids thanks to Ardenweald.

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We have wicker druids (Kul Tiran) which have an undead vibe going for them. Actual undead druids wouldn’t be too far of a stretch.

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Life and death are indeed part of the natural cycle, however undeath is not so I will be curious how they are going to pull off undead druids.

I would assume things that evoke Tirisfal/Silver Pine and nearby Forsaken zones, plagued bears, wolves, bats etc.

This is what it would be. And I’m fine with those. The models exist and need only animations.