Thoughts about the Aug nerfs?

I speak as someone who liked Aug. But before anyone jumps on me, i liked the Lore of the spec, and the types of magic it used. The idea of a Spec in a lore sense not ment to brutally rip enemies to pieces, and more focused on helping, and showing the true might of the black dragons appealed to me alot. That and Time magic in wow has always been something i’ve loved so Aug was the perfect fusion in my mind. My problem was whenever it became so oppressive, and became a main stay in not only keys, but in raids. And while i’m glad they nerfed it, part of me feels sad about the nerf. But thats y’alls thoughts?


After the 11.1 nerfs, there’s no reason to play Aug. It feels like Devastation is the safer option but it’s just a regular DPS spec and will never be a “mandatory spec” for any key.

I really wish they at least roll back the nerf to Close as Clutchmates, that way, Aug could still feel impactful without being oppressive. It doesn’t have to be the meta pick, but it would be nice if playing it didn’t make me feel completely useless now in 11.1.



But i would be more happy if they finally bring the support-role and 2-3 more sups so we had some choice :slight_smile: <3
And incr. dungeon-size to 6 men.

Its dead. If you try to join up as augvoker, your basically trolling and being a carry thanks to blizz nerfs.


I came back for TWW after taking a break after season 1 in Dragonflight and fell in love with idea of suport class and Aug spec. My guild was finally in recovery after Classic and Hostile work environment at Blizzard left me alone most of the time. We began casual raiding for fun and I mained Aug and for the first time since wotlk I wanted to stay the same class in successive seasons. I haven’t run Mythics in years, no time to commit to it, but after 11.1 changes, I think they are tuned to be OK now for high level mythic runs, not for anything else. As season 2 approached, my guild decided to push for AotC again and I felt guilty saddling them with my Aug like an albatross around their necks and dropped the toon as my main. I LOVE the class and playstye, but have to admit I have zero faith a support class that boosts othersl can be balanced for all play. I begrudgingly agree, it’s a broken class and the experiment of a support class should end.

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It can be, they have gotten feedback on things they can change to remove the problematic parts of the spec, they just refuse to take any in.

Damage wise, the spec was fine in the first round of changes, but the final ones just seemed like it came from someone that just hated the spec.

Agreed. It wasn’t until the final changes 2 days before the patch that I dropped the class. I hope you’re right and that they do finally find a good balance. I loved playing it.

I think Blizzard needs to go back to the drawing board on Aug’s core rotation and spec tree talents to more flesh out the spec’s personal DPS. I think Aug’s buffing abilities should be minor in a similar vein to Priest’s Power Infusion. Make it a low but reasonable DPS spec with some small but solid buffing capabilities. More earth-themed buttons.

Right now the spec’s personal DPS is just unreasonable.

I’m surprised how nerfed it was.

Tried it and it felt as if I was trolling.

It is pretty sad.

Yeah, this pretty much falls on two things:

  1. This spec was never going to fall into the “it’s good enough” category where playerbase perception goes. I said it before it launched and I’m saying it here again… Augmentation in its currently intended gameplay role will always either be considered absolutely worthless or absolutely mandatory with no in-between, even if it’s balanced well enough to actually sit between.

  2. In a world without alternatives to Aug in the support-DPS sphere, Aug lives and dies by its value relative to Devastation, and I’m pretty certain at this point that it would’ve been better received by the playerbase as a supportive tank akin to a Paladin. As is the spec is just seen as a replacement for a DPS slot that also impacted party defensiveness enough to be noticeable beyond a reasonable extent.

Without providing more relative damage than a DPS or more relative group defensiveness than a DPS, Aug isn’t going to stand on its own, and I don’t know if it should. This game isn’t built to accommodate heavily support-focused DPS like that.


Such a cool concept. I hope they make Aug relevant again. Doesn’t have to be broken, but at least make it playable for those who like the theme, concept and playstyle.

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The change to the class that allows Ebon Might to only affect dps would be perfect if Aug was a tank spec and not a dps spec.


On one end, im sad for the folks that enjoys playing aug.

On the flip side, im excited I can finally play devastation competatively.