Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

This thread is pretty juicy :popcorn:

But here is my 2 cents… I am very worried about the covenant system. I think it should be purely cosmetic, and should have nothing to do with min/maxxing. What am I supposed to do if Venthir is pve bis, but out of raid i love pvp. But ravendreth gives such a nice utility spell.

Another problem would be if one covenant got nerfed heavily, I would have to swap to maintain my raid spot.

But heres the thing, even if the covenant system is all good and dandy; it wont mean a damn thing if the class design is still down the toilet.

i know it doesn’t own anything. stop being ignorant.

you take a marvel movie like ironman and they don’t own the rights to a concept of a man in a mechanical suit… but that doesn’t mean that a ripoff like Metal man can’r be made.

people still know it’s a ripoff lol.

Blizzard is just using the concepts and fitting their lore into it. still a ripoff.

I was going to bring this up, that she is using the term wrong, but that would be far too complicated for her.

Activision Blizzard has caused serious damage to the community. Even their large YouTube/Streamers such as Asmongold have recently been criticizing Blizzard. I’m seriously concerned about Shadowlands and the future of WoW. Blizzard has managed to botch pretty much every release and fan interaction for the last several years.

JRPG is a strict style of gameplay.
For example, South Park stick of the truth is a JRPG. Didn’t come from Japan (I don’t think), but it fits the gameplay model.

It is a very non-innovative style of gameplay that hasn’t changed in 30 years. The reason it’s associated with Japan is because that is where the vast majority of them come from.

Do you consider Legend of Zelda a JRPG because it came from Japan? By all accounts it’s an ARPG.

Has complained since vanilla. He’s a known troll.

This is my opinion too but nobody will listen.

I didn’t preorder, but other will.

If that’s your interpretation of it, you’re welcome to it. I don’t personally see it that way.

They’re all RPGs.
The A is just a subtype.
Just like the MMO is just a subtype.

Zelda is just an RPG to me, I don’t differentiate between Action or Japanese, it’s all RPG.

BlIzZaRD iS aLwAyS rIgHt! :robot::robot:

Dear God no!
I wish they’d get away from so much grind in the game as it really hurts for alts.
But then again, I’m so used to being able to do everything on one character that I am definitely asking for too much.

of course… it’s pretty much constant diarrhea at this point imo

No that’s not my interpretation. That is fact. Nowhere is it ever stated that their memory is taken away from them.

Straight from the Kyrian covenant preview:

As kyrian shed the burdens of their past lives, physical manifestations of their tormented thoughts are expelled from their bodies. The kyrian must strike these manifestations down in order to cleanse themselves and reach ascendance.

It’s literally what we did back in MoP but now in Shadowlands. Nowhere is it ever said they lose their memories. That’s just a made up rumor people have been spreading.

If I recall correctly all of the expansions and major content patches had their problems and bugs. Some obviously less or more than others.

I think if they want to retain their base then they will take their time and dot all the Is and cross all the Ts.

I am being strangely optimistic today. It must be the mild weather.

So then yes. To you, unless it is overt anti consumer acts, you dont consider anything a corporation does anti consumer. Talk about a multinationals perfect consumer…

its hard to mess up what you are doing now…lol.

If you wanna limit it to that that’s on you. I mean you’re wrong but this was never a factual argument from your side but a moral argument so nothing I stated would really matter as it doesn’t conform to how you “feel” about those business practices.

It doesn’t matter to you at all that American law doesn’t consider these practices anti-consumer. It doesn’t matter at all that several politicians and watchdog groups have attempted and failed to make this argument in court because you’re not arguing facts and logic but feelings and morals.

You believe emotionally and morally that their practices are anti-consumer but factually they are not.

anti consumer isnt simply a legal term(even the legal term is sociological). The fact you think it is just bizarre(you dont come across as uneducated, so I can only say dishonest). If you think corporations cant be anti consumer unless they break the official rules… I mean that is just out in left field. It isnt even rational.

Beyond that, even in your last post you already drew artifical lines that are anti consumer and are not anti consumer that are not technically breaking any laws, so you are pretty contradictory. You may need to figure out why you think the way you do, before you start defending multinationals, because you clearly are just white knighting(literally) without having any logical consistency.

I didn’t say corporations couldn’t be anti-consumer, that was your conclusion.
I simply stated I don’t consider the shop practices anti-consumer and I listed why and what would make them that. I also don’t consider time gating anti-consumer nor practices that keep people playing the game.

At every step in the process, you as a consumer have a choice and make a conscious choice to continue participating and enjoying the content, thus being a consumer yourself or you can stop. What you do is not on them at all.

Also not white knighting at all, I have for a while in this very thread and others come down against blizzard, I just called someone out on their half baked attempt to label what they are doing as anti-consumer because it isn’t.

All you’ve done is make an emotional appeal because you disagree with their business practices. But simply disagreeing with how they do business does not make your statement correct. Factually! Literally my whole point.

You are free to disagree with with they are doing but you as a consumer are being denied nothing. Nothing is being blocked from you or kept from you in any way that you could not unlock from simply playing the game. Cash shops with aesthetically purchases are not anti-consumer as they are optional and have no actual effect on the game itself.

Again I described this earlier but because it does not conform to your moral argument, you discount it as nothing of substance.

So you’re just essentially taking an elongated break, most people do that already. Blizzard still gets your money, you still have to utilize the time to unlock it.

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