Thought on Gnome Paldins

The team’s aspiration is to cultivate a cohesive class fantasy, yet they attempt to integrate elements that deviate from the established thematic framework. As an illustration, consider the following :

Gnomes in World of Warcraft are traditionally depicted as intellectually-driven inventors and engineers, with a penchant for innovation and technology. This characteristic identity contrasts sharply with the established archetype of Paladins in the game, who are typically portrayed as devout, righteous champions wielding the powers of the Light in the service of justice and virtue.

Firstly, Gnomes lack the cultural or historical foundation typically associated with the Paladin class. Unlike races such as Humans or Dwarves, who have long-standing traditions of faith and knighthood, Gnomes have historically been portrayed as more secular and focused on scientific pursuits.

Furthermore, the Paladin class in WoW draws its power from a strong connection to the Light, a divine force that imbues its wielders with holy abilities. This connection is often depicted as deeply spiritual and requires a strong sense of faith and conviction. Given Gnomes’ emphasis on reason and logic over spirituality, it would be difficult to reconcile their character motivations with the faith-based nature of the Paladin class.

Additionally, the Paladin class in WoW often emphasizes physical strength and martial prowess alongside spiritual devotion. While Gnomes are certainly capable fighters, their strengths lie more in their intellect and ingenuity rather than in traditional melee combat. This further undermines the suitability of Gnomes as Paladins within the game’s lore and mechanics.

In summary, the thematic and cultural characteristics of Gnomes in World of Warcraft are not well-aligned with the core principles and requirements of the Paladin class. Their focus on science and technology, combined with their lack of established religious or martial traditions, make them an unlikely fit for the Paladin archetype within the game’s narrative framework.

While I do not believe they make a good fit for light based paladins, they could make them work as Paladins of the Void. It would require them to make some visual changes but it would be fully cosmetic.

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Not every single Gnome has to be a stereotyped mad scientist. Not every Blood Elf is a mage, o r warlock. Nor every Human dresses up in Stormwind armor.

Any living being can be touched by the Light just as they can by Shadow. Gnome Warlocks ARE a thing, Gnome Priests ARE a thing. Gnome Warriors are a thing. With all that… Paladins aren’t really a stretch.


I did not say impossible I said unlikely. As they are currently stand they have not as a race reached that point.

Blizzard says they want to build class story , but then shoe horn in the races that do not fit in and have not been built to fit into the classess.
Gnome are not fit with the light even most of the NPC Gnome preista re not really priest .

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Sorry for being late to the party! But in Western Plaguelands there’s a gnome NPC named High Cleric Alphus. He appears to be a traditional priest. He even greets people by saying ‘May the light watch over you child.’. So if that sort of NPC exists in the Argent Dawn, then I’m sure there’s probably other gnomes out there that are similar. Plus, who’s to say that some gnomes might be curious in researching the light and figuring out its secrets? The best way to do that would be to train as a paladin or priest. I’m not saying this would be the majority of gnomes, but I still think it’s a possibility.

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LITTLE rays of sunshine!!

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Exactly this people close their minds too much in this game. Like a druid doesnt have to be a druid it can be a seer

No one AS A RACE has reached that point. Paladins are exceptional individuals within each race. It’s not a path that any bumpkin can walk.


Several Paladins have reach a point threw faith they can call the light. Gnome have not.

And you can’t accept the idea that there are EXCEPTIONS to the rule? No matter what race/class combo you are as an adventurer, you are not the norm for your people. You’re not staying at home working a job, raising a family, you are out fighting big bads, cosmic horrors, and crazy gods. How is that the norm for any race?

And for the purpose of this discussion, I’m going to ignore those races whic are just a few people like Void Elves and Mag’har.

What’re you on about? I have had no problems with my connection to the Light. Except that time a dirty Rogue that kicked me.

My thoughts on the subject:

On the topic of Gnome Paladins. They are entirely possible.

Not all wielders of the Light follow the same path. For example, Humans and Dwarves follow the path and faith of the Church of the Holy Light, while the Tauren Sunwalkers revere the sun god An’she, whose power can appear either as red flames or as golden magic similar to other divine magic.

Among the Blood Elves, the Blood Knights embraced the renewed Sunwell, and through it they ask for the Light’s blessing to wield their holy powers. It is a harmonious relationship, no longer one of discord caused by the Blood Elves’ attempts to bend the Light to their will by draining the energy of the Naaru M’uru, which will likely have a positive effect on blood elf society in the long run.

In the Zandalari Empire, the Zandalari prelates once received their holy powers from the Loa of Kings Rezan, but since his death, it is their faith in his ideals that give them their powers, in order to stand as a beacon of light against the darkness. All of this illustrates that no two Paladins are alike, and there are several Lore based ideals on how this power is achieved.

Gnome Priests already have the ability to channel the grand powers of the Holy Light to smite and purge enemies. They are also excellent crafters, and both Warriors and Death Knights which are capable of carrying the load of plate armor. If you combine Warrior and Priest, by all accounts you have a Battle Priest, or in this case, a Paladin. Gnomes have lived closely with Dwarves for decades and have the mental capacity and fortitude to accept the light, and wield it. Now, they simply need guidance from those who already use it on their journey as a Paladin of that same Light.

/mic drop

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