Thought experiment for DPS

I had a thought about homogeneity of classes, abilities, and gear.

Say you get 3 base offensives, 2 major cd offensives, 2 utility, and 2 defensives

For talenting you dont get more abilities it just augments them and adds visuals.
So for offensive abilities you could have a talent to choose between having single target or AoE as primary attacks.
Another allows for an AoE DoT or a Single target stacking DoT
The last would be the buffing offensive, you get to choose between buffing yourself or buffing your party while doing damage to the bad guys.
Major cd offensive talents would allow you to choose between direct damage increase or stacking damage increase for one.
For the other it would be a massive single hit or a massive aoe hit.
Utility talents could be extra movement speed like sprint or a leap forward type that removes snares
The second one could be a choice between a mass inturupt or a mass slow
Then defensives. You could choose between a short high damage reduction or a longer, weaker shield.
The second would be a choice between a self heal or a group bubble that you stand in.
With the talents you also get to choose the visuals of these abilities, such as blue fire or extra explosions, or shrapnel flying from where your spells hit.

Stats would buff your choices in different ways. If you pick a single target DoT, mastery could allow some of that damage to spread to other targets. You could choose to have crits be delayed for a bonus that is boosted by crit rating. Haste could increase speed or reduce CDs

With transmog being what it is we could just have sockets and enchants. Bosses would drop appearences, bonus sockets, and stonger enchants. You still get stonger gear from harder bosses but its in the form of a better enchant or an extra socket slot. The amount of slots and enchants per piece would be restricted by the item level. Gearing would be fully customizable based on your spec for the type of content you want to do.

Just a few thoughts while in a covid induced mind haze.

will there also be a battleground where there’s NPC waves pushing towards the enemy and you have to kill them to buy upgrades at a vendor in base?

I’m confused. Is this about removing classes? Also why is this specifically for DPS?

Wow, this all sounds terrible.

Feel better please.

Well at least you confirmed mental impairment so we wouldn’t have to assume.