Had some fun getting these
Of the ways I got them are
Defest the enemy
Next to you dirt pile
Stomp the grubs
Bounce on the slime as much as you can…I got 4 from that
Any hooters I got 50 of them and went to the deeps to talk with middles and I thought it was 10 odds for 10 valorstones but no it’s 5 for 10.
When I 100% hi contribution I got a firelight crystal. I took that to the dude next to him and turned it into fr a bad of ores.
Got some ores and 1 whole Null stone
Not bad for some work digging in the dirt
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Lamentably they nerfed the bags hard yesterday it seems like. From like 60 enchanting dust to 15…
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Yeah but 60 seems a bit much tho
Yeah, I got 8. Still upset.
Least they could do is increase the chance for green drops from literally everything, enchanting is a horrible grind this expac if you don’t have gold. I already spent like 40k, not spending anymore.
Yeah I don’t disagree but it still hurt my soul
Yeah I agree about getting a green item
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I honestly don’t know what they were thinking with some of these profession grinds this time around. It’s mind boggling.
with the slow fall launch ones land and mount up much easer to get
The bouncing on the slime is the most annoying one. I just mount up and fly off
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has anyone encountered the kolbod looter where you defend the bag? i dont like that one
also the fountain i usually dont get any
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I did today along with a horde warrior. Was easy with 2 of us.
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that has been happening a lot - must have got that 5 times in the last day and it is pretty much a waste of time.
so i found a new variant of the fountain one where you avoid the things coming down or it can prolly kill you
also i killed a mob that was really tough and got 5 odd from it. i wonder if a weaker elite will ever pop out and give 10
This one has to be the worst. I usually don’t get the globs of wax from doing this, so I just bounce for no reason
wish they made the colors from the ones that drop on the ground different, considerin they almost blend in.