Thornspeaker Ritual Knife

When I go back to the cave in Emerald Dream, there is a Listless Dreamsaber at the spot (not Liliuana, but apparently that’s ok). From what I have read, you use the knife on the dreamsaber after killing him. I kill the saber and attempt to use the knife but it says invalid target.

Edit 2: I finally saw a creature named “Argyr” (not wandering gladeheart) and tried to tame him but he was untameable. So I killed him and he spawned a tamable version.

Edit: Got invalid target on Displaced Bristlebruin as well. Cannot find the Wandering Gladeheart (I know where he should be but he’s not there.)

I killed her and didnt get the knife. I dismissed my pet since i thought this might cause an issue but no luck. Bug?

The knife comes from Athainne in Drustvar. She patrols with Athair at night and is in Ulfar’s cave during the day. Then you go back and kill…

I actually found out that (although they seem indistinguishable) there are different knives and different thornladen hearts for different tamable pets. Bear, cat and stag…

Just tried the knife on the Displaced Bristleboar and got invalid target as well. Anyone have luck with getting the thorn bear?

There are 3 different knives you can get and the only way to tell them apart is to read the item description. It’s possible you may have a different knife.

There are knives for the dreamsaber, bristlebruin, and stag.

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When I got my first knife, I wasn’t aware there were 3 different ones. I’m going to have to look closer, I currently have 3 hearts in my bag. I guess I really didn’t pay attention to the description on the knife… thanks!

OK once you get the thorn-laden heart (bear, stag, saber), you take them to Athainne in Drustvar, she gives you Moontouched Thorns to take to Ulfar in the cave, He then gives you the corresponding item Thornspeaker Ritual Knife, once you have one of the 3 go back to emerald dream and look for Agyr (Stag) at 44, 63, Astera (bear) at 36, 61, and Lilliuna (saber in cave) 57, 48 (reading the item tooltip will tell you which Knife you have, you kill the spawned mob, use the knife on the corpse and tame the next spawn to get your thorn beast. Hope this clears up the confusion (Handynotes: Dragonflight Misc option will show the spawn points for each) ( there are 3 different color combos for each one)

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The Bug is still there, I just tried to tame the cat after killing it, it does confirm invalid target blizzard please fix this. Thanks.

The reason you’re seeing this: on the bottom of the dagger (hover over it) it will say something like “has a stag etched into it”. I found this out the hard and time consuming way.

Here’s the bug for me:

I get three or so of the laden hearts after killing 0948595845749584989 bears and stags. I take it back to that weird deer and then Ulfar. The first two time, Ulfar gave me the knife, now he won’t. Literally just looks at me. I’m raging right now, because this is just broken.

I want the cat, but have the stag and bear knives, and Ulfar won’t give the other knife I need. OMFG I’m ready to punch the wall.

If you want to tame the cat, you have to start with a cat heart.

There are three distinct Thorn-Laden Hearts: one for (and from) bear, one for (and from) stag, and one for (and from) cat.

Cat heart (“Saber heart”):

Stag heart:

Bear heart:

You can tell them apart by reading the flavor text in the tooltip.

If you only killed bears and stags, you don’t have a cat heart, and therefore can’t get the proper knife to tame a cat. That would be working as intended.

In spite of the facts you share in your telling, if you do in fact have a cat’s Thorn-Laden Heart and can’t get the knife, that might be a bug.

I didn’t update anything, but I did eventually get the kitteh. I pretty much restarted the game and my pc, and it worked lol

Thanks for the help, tho.

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