Seriously blizzard, can you fix them or get rid of them?
Horde are next to guards, If they attack Alliance, they get mobbed, even in self-defense.
Alliance have no Guards next to them so when they do attack Horde, nothing happens.
If they somehow manage to get guards on them, they just jump on the tent and bugg them out until aggro resets.
Just do what all the other horde do… Come to the alliance side and pvp and then proceed to grief the dailies relentlessly following alliance groups around just to try and slow them down like a bunch of brain damaged ogres that can’t spell their own names… I swear horde players need to be on some sort of watch list.
me calling you a doomsayer has nothing to do with the devs, but idk what else to expect from the kind of guy who brings up irrelevant bs to try and get a “win” online
horde arent crying about wpvp, they are just tired that they get destroyed while passing in quests while the alliance doesnt. Hmm it reminds me of somewhere else in classic that eventually they put in both side guards to stop this from happening.
O yeah they added proper guards to LHC for naxx patch. so to everyone who says " you guys need to stop crying" , you need to grow up and realize we want that now in the game. we are basing our demands off real life changes that have happened and will inspire more changes. so thanks for your opinions but you can shut your traps if you think asking for guards is a cop out.
I think its kinda weird that you lurk on the forums and post on what i can only assume is a sock puppet account, and you still pay your sub like a good little piggy
If i was a blizz employee i would have zero time to be responding to some weird yapper online but here we are i guess