Thorium Brotherhood Horde Reconnections

I played mainly during Vanilla and TBC as Morboso and later Vexxi. I was GM of Bloodrite for a while during TBC. Hope to see some familiar faces in Classic and I hope you’re all doing well. I’m on Bloodsail Buccaneers. Hit me up at Kritix#1780.


Hey Atrophia! It’s been a long time. I’m on Bloodsail. Feel free to message me at Kritix#1780. I’ll shoot you an in-game message some time. Take care!

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Nice to see some familiar names here. I recreated Frances (former guild master of ) on Bloodsail Buccaneers horde-side. She’s currently gathering rest XP in Razor Hill until the initial crowding dies down a bit. Feel free to send a note, would love to catch up with some old friends. O HAI Kaphik. /wave

Whoops, forgot to change my avatar. New Frances isn’t showing up as a choice yet.

Although I have made multiple warriors over the years, my first one was this one, originally named Wooferoo, whom I started on Thorium Brotherhood (and I am still here!)

My first group of friends that I met and remember from are Silwolffe, Shahar (aka Shaharizard), Vladimus, Lecia/Lleinaar/Rhynnion.

I was a member of a few guilds from vanilla, The Marauders, The Brimstone Knights, and The Other Red Meat. I remember playing with people from those guilds but I don’t remember their names specifically.

I currently play both horde and alliance on a handful of different realms, namely Kel’thuzad, Thorium Brotherhood, and Wyrmrest Accord.

I am currently playing on Grobbulus, hordeside as Wooferoo in Classic WoW as well.
You can add me at Asriel#11813 on battlenet as well.

EDIT: Based on what I’m seeing here it looks like I am going to be re-rolling to Bloodsail Buccaneers tonight when I get off of work.


Hey Atrophia - Deos here. Glad to hear from you!

I remember No, Pook and Gaurth.

I played between BC and Wrath as Hurricana (BE hunter) and Filippos (undead lock), trying to RP with the elites on TB, but never quite catching on.

**Remember how we used to have Live Journals to write stories and entries about our characters?

Still trudging along on both classic and retail.

Hit me up at crankypants#119726

Hey all,

Unotos here… Been awhile… Was a Tauren warrior in Bloodrite and stopped playing here right near the end of BC… See a few folks I recognize… hit me up if playing classic … just started to dabble in classic hehe … Unotos#1816

I played Luanakaru Grimhowl, Orc Huntress. I also played Kirai the Troll Priestess and Zetria Arcanas in BC. I have many other toons, but please feel free to message me if you recognize me.

Munio of Curse, the Forsaken only guild here. Stumbled upon this and some familiar names! I am Munio but you will mostly catch me on Jee at the moment, on Bloodsail Buccaneers, and have no intent of going anywhere!