Thorium Brotherhood Alliance Reconnections

Hey Alastar I definitely remember doing dungeons back in the day with you. I was Criasjain (Human Rogue) back then. Used to roll with Enrik and Auvree pretty often. I was in IBI for a short while also.

Just watched the clip, I don’t think I’ve seen it before. We’ll just say I was #2 on that dps meter :wink: (honestly can’t tell, though, 2006 graphics…).

Ashea is me too, couldn’t change characters at work for whatever the reason.

I think there’s few names that could pop up here that make me go “OH #$^% I REMEMBER YOU” more than Criasjain.

Hope you’re doing well. Am I going to bump into you A-side when the server goes up?

I may roll a character for old times’ sake but I’m likely going to be playing primarily with friends on Herod.

I’ll try to come up with a better name this time around though lol.

At least you never have to worry about it being taken. The name Arkides came out of my slamming my face on my keyboard because every name I wanted was taken.

I never really have to worry about not being able to get this as a name.

I’ve got a few that I use for RPGs and what have you that hopefully aren’t taken. I’d list a few here so it’s easier to find you guys but I’d probably run into a Thex situation so I’ll avoid that lol. You boys going RP/PVP or just regular RP?

Oh hi!

This is Kanisa since classic, except I was a night elf then.
I’ve been in quite a few guilds since then. c:

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Javlynn~! Eboshi - Forge - Gnome Warlock


Good to see a number of old Forge players still around. It would be a nice surprise to Tiae, Sumitra, oh and Pol~!


I remember logging in a week or so before BC went live, right after a ton of training and such in the Marines. Xyn had been dubbed the destroyer of guilds, but you know what? I still want to see my fellow tank.

Probably just RP. I don’t have a quarter of the free time I used to. I’m fairly confident If I go on any kind of PVP server I’ll be camped into the ground.

It’s me, baby Keff, that annoying human pally/mage, add me on bnet if you remember me! Keff #1646

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I remember that name…

I was Keff, human mage and sometimes pally lol

OSH was my first guild also! We had so much fun together. My main was and still is Arrii-Nelf Hunter. It would be amazing to get a bunch of us together in Classic again.

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Arrii-Nelf-Hunter, from Order of Silver Hearts (Originally Order of the Silver Hand). Would love to reconnect with some old guildies and run some of the classic content. OSH was the first guild I was in back in vanilla and we had some really fun times (I swear I didn’t tell my cat to run into that mob and get us all killed on purpose LOL).

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I’ll be there. Alliance still?

I was Gornalis…in Blades of Darkness. We were a small casual guild that had some good people who were fun to chat with and play with.

If anyone remembers our guild…give me a shout

Eboshi! How great to see another familiar name!

I’ll message them about this thread to see if they swing by. :slight_smile:

Forge folks; hit me up on Bnet if you’re looking to play together again & we can make something work: Eclyps#1127

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Orchard - Hunter
Forge - MC/BWL era

Great people I got to meet in the guild, but at the time I was dealing with PTSD (didn’t realize it or seek help from the VA for years after the fact).

Names that come to mind are: Niladaya (Raid lead), Oblivion (Guild Lead), Valandra, Kismet, Cuddles (sorry for all the grief at the time brother) Apologies if I forgot anyone.

Bloodforge: Pett / Fairbanks are the two names I remember the most there

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Still alive, sadly we lost stromblade about a year ago but his sister is still alive and well and many of the OG players have made a comeback in recent years.