Thorium Brotherhood Alliance Reconnections

To all of our friends from Fatal Horizons and Legends of the Tao. Apotheoun and I are still playing. Am hoping to dig into classic as well (time permitting). Soo many friends come and gone, soo many memories. Hope to see some old friends come back.

Ghero, Archangelus, Grundgigagga

Looking for Bighoss and Rayzeel - you guys gonna come back and raid?

Guess ill add this here just incase. Vargg#1664

Hey man, good to see you. I was starting to wonder if I imagined being in Forge with all the people posting about the guild and I not remembering who they were. If I recall, the last time we spoke was after the schism in the guild and you were off to Tanaris in some guild. Hope the years have been good to you.


I know what you mean about all the people from Forge. So many people I don’t remember.

Any word on the older crowd you remember? I haven’t seen anything from Oblivion or crew. I did see Nidalya posted. He was great as a raid lead.

Did you retire or just move on from the military?

I got out of the military a few years after Forge and then did some private sector work in the same field. Just hit 40 a few months ago and now am comfortably retired. I would have killed for the amount of free time I have now back in those days.

Oblivion must be getting up there in age. I think he was in his mid-40s back then, so I’m not expecting to see him again, though it would be nice. I remember he did raid leading early on, and I still joke with an old friend that I’ve kept in touch with, Enoch the druid if you recall, that Oblivion would take 10-15 minutes explaining a boss that we had done several times now. Niladaya was definitely solid though. I was wracking my brain trying to remember other names from the early days of Forge and I’m not coming up with much. I remember a woman named Jet or Jett, a hunter, I think that had that typical mom feeling about her. She had a very southern accent and was very enthusiastic. I remember Kite, he was good friends with Oblivion IRL and used that to his advantage from what I recall.

Are you planning on playing classic much? I’ve been mega casual in retail for probably 5 years or so now. Barely log in these days as BFA isn’t exactly what I’d call a good itme.

Hope life is treating you well.

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Jonnz isn’t playing last we talked. Fflew may check in on it but he’s married, house, job, etc. I’m hitting Pagle ally side with a RL friend and maybe 1-2 others probably but it may end up taking me 6+ months to hit 60. The QOL changes on retail/live are just too good if I can only play a few hours a week sometimes.

Well, hmu if you want, my bt is degausser#1958 Feel free to pass it onto anyone else.

Hello all, I was a Human Mage Named: Hurricane! I was an ice mage hard lol. I was apart of two guilds back then. Forge!!! Brought in by my bud Noctum. And Ascendence , With Noldor and Domo! :slight_smile:


Lol I know what you mean about the time. I am pretty much retired. I get my VA for being broken, and I am paid by the state to be a personal care taker for my folks now.

Kite sounds familiar. I remember more names as I see people mention them in the different post here. Some one posted a picture of an old MC raid done by Forge. I am not on the roster there, but a lot of the names seem very familiar.

I will be playing classic. Playing with my brother, and father on Pagle. Going to be a female dwarf rogue this go around I think.

Aux regularly held promotions there, so could be us?


Horde this go around, for a change of scenery.


Edassa, Night Elf Warrior
Started a guild called “The Great Barricade” that was a part of a raiding alliance called The Thorium Pact.
Played with several great people such as Stagola, Astarielle, Aless, Carsomand, Rosalyn, Kouldon.

Would be great to find some old friends! I recognize so many names in this thread.

hey everyone played a gnome warlock named Leecher in Forge if anyone remembers me looking to come back in classic, server undecided , Noctum and I were always going head to head !

I’ll be rolling as Smittins, a human Priest on Bloodsail Bucs

Hey I was in your guild. Hurricane human mage. Can you put up the rag kill. I think I was there for that.

You wondered correctly :slight_smile: I rolled 3 chars on Pagle ally side and hope the login ques don’t suk too badly. Avi#1335

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Absolutely remember you Zelo! N-elf if I am not mistaken, fun times!

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It’s fun seeing all the familiar names. been a loooong time!

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see you there!!!