Thongs for male charahcters? Why only females get them?

I am so confused why males don’t get thongs for our charahcters.

This is a very very important part of my transmog and I really believe that it would be steps closer to letting me truly invision myself in my charahcters.

And no brown granny panties “warbear woolies” just look like a brown fuzzy diaper on me.

How can we formally talk to the managers in charge and request this?


Yes. Vulpera in thongs. That’s what the game is missing. :roll_eyes:


Hello! Blizzard manager here, thong request denied.


How would that even work with races with tails?


I still don’t get why I cannot make my pants hidden with transmog.

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Male human tanks in sloot armor would be everywhere, and that would be amazing.

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How about we go with a “Thongs for nobody” policy?


Shout out for zandalari men having proper undies

we need more skimpy men

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i agree, we need male thongs

i also want my worgen to rock a mankini


Don’t you limit me!

Does this mean the speedos are out too?

i can live without gnome-borats running around


Only Vulupa stuff.

Male void elves almost got them, but then they got boxers :pensive:

Pffft, we need more thongs for females too. I’m not prepared to call blizzard finished in that department. Fix covenants and borrowed power nonsense, yes, but first,…more eye candy. I’m a dirty old man and I approve of this message.

Now you just put me in the mood for music…

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CAREFUL with ur name, you might get sued from the guy in Limit :rofl:

As for your post, AGREED! And while they’re at it, they need to add a breast slider too!

Because we live in a world where people in charge still believe that any ability to see even the slightest outline of genitalia makes us all perverse human filth.

It’s already hard enough to convince people I’m not one of those who scream things regarding Y-I-F-F because I’m a Vulpera.

Why oh why do these topics have to be made by us?

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Sir, this is an Arby’s.