Thomas Bates's Duskwood Thread

I hope everyone has been nice to the kindest ghost in Duskwood.

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The ghost is: in!

Here to end the weekend off with spooky fun!

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Thomas, I have to ask. Is the character a lord or some other ennobled or landed individual, and the reason that Thomas Bates haunts the region of Duskwood is to protect the land and people he loved in life.

come on down to Duskwood and find out in rp!


I second Mordekeiser and encourage you to come around to Duskwood one of these nights, though I will say that Thomas had some more humble beginnings that led him to knighthood and ultimately his demise. But given that it was a stupid demise he’s elected to ignore it.


I keep Trying to get him there but he’s always busy lol.

Such is the life of the Bates! I was also doing weekly reset content tonight, will be back in tomorrow.

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The ghost is: in!

Come join the ghost in Duskwood before he fades away with the coming of dawn… and bedtimes.


See you later then!

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Did Thomas change guilds?

Nope! You might be looking at my Classic character, though, who I don’t have a vanity guild for.

The ghost is: in! If you crave some casual rp and a random encounter, Thomas rides his Duskwood patrol!

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I’ve been enjoying being able to show up for Duskwood RPs more! I may eventually start swinging by on occasion on other characters of mine too, but for now, a Night Elf Dark Ranger who fears fire and loves kittens to bits and a Draenei cyborg/android who’s probably going to attempt to reform a Dark Rider and fail miserably is enjoyable for me xD


The ghost is: in! Shake off the Monday cobwebs with some rp in Duskwood!


The ghost will be in the Twilight Grove tonight saying goodbye to the Duskwatch Saberguard after their epilogue to their guild campaign!


A lonely late-night patrol, unless someone drops by to make it not lonely.

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Meet friendly single ghosts in your area! Come to Duskwood to learn more!

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The ghost is: in! It’s a bustling little Sunday night in Darkshire, hop on by!

You’ve heard of Ghost Riders in the Sky, now get ready for: Ghost Knights in the Woods


Isn’t that a radio drama? I remember something of that sort when I was a kids. It was a bit of a comedy…