This whole game is disappointing

So what happened? I don’t know why I should still play, doing all 10 bosses in the raid and not loot? 10 M+ Dungeons and get only 2 loots? Seriously I’m gonna go AFK if it’s like this. I’m feeling insulted with developers and designers making the low root rate just for more time to develop the game.


I feel ya man. IMO it’s been like this since they got rid of tokens. Back in wrath you would get Emblems of Frost for defeating a boss in ICC and you could spend them on some nice loot. So even if you didn’t get any loot in the raid you still made progress toward something worthwhile. Then Cata changed it to valor and put a really low cap on it. Now it’s just gone. I personally don’t chase loot anymore – I just wanna see the content and luckily the ilvl requirement for LFR is just at the point were I naturally got by playing the game.


So you only care about the loot? Not tackling tough content and persevering over it?


I feel like male undead mage is becoming a popular forum avatar for complaining on the forums.


Pretty sure the developers decreased the chances for loot on purpose. I personally like that players arent showered in gear. It makes gear feel like it matters more. Im now at like 192 ilvl but still have 170 gloves lol cant find a better pair of gloves for the life of me.


I have a low root rate to friend, it’s all good we aren’t all Casanova’s


Sounds like you know what to to. Unsub and find something that brings you joy.

Good luck!

RNG is RNG, just like it’s always been.

Games not fun enough for that to be rewarding.

Plus not everyone is or enjoys being a hardcore.


You can enjoy downing bosses and beating challenging content without being hardcore.


WHAAAT? No but really this is 100% the truth right here. Hell there is so much more to do in this game like unlocking hidden mounts, achievements, doing PvP. Rumor is some people even roleplay seeing this an MMORPG. Gasps


Loot helps tackle tough content… it’s not as rewarding when the loot rate has been nerfed into oblivion. I am having fun this expac with pretty much everything besides the darn loot rate.


I got 3 gear upgrades, and two legendary memory’s yesterday…seems loot is working normally for me anyway

You will have weeks where you get alot of drops and weeks where you don’t.

I had 5 drops the first week of the raid (including a BOE and even some nice off-spec gear that other people didn’t want/need.)

This week, I got 1 drop which I ended up replacing with something better from an M+. So I pretty much got nothing for raiding this week. It happens. I did get alot of items last week. It balances out.

This game is a prison…


Caring about loot is the primary aspect of RPG games. That’s the whole point. To level your fictional guy up, get him more gear, make him stronger so he can do more things. What do you mean “only care about the loot”. Unless you’re playing on an RP server, so 0.01% the wow population, then absolutely loot is king. Hello?


SAME! I still wearing a heroic neck! I cannot for the life of me find a neck piece for week.

i wish loot-crazed individuals would make way for a newer, less greedy playerbase who doesn’t whine non-stop and just enjoys the game. I think that’d make the community and the gameplay experience a lot better.

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I got the raid lockout bug for normal and did 3 heroic bosses. 21 raid bosses killed and only 1 piece of loot that I didn’t need. That’s so much worse than classic. At least in classic loot always went to someone that could use it. This whole loot system is scummy af just to prolong play time.

I feel like people that get geared out just play alts. How many people spend all that time getting gear just to quit? It seems like this is just having the opposite effect they intended, because I’ve been thinking really hard about playing ff14 again or joining my friends in path of exile.

