This Week in WoW: January 8, 2024

see you on february 8th !


open AB up in the meantime

Y’all gonna tell us how large a raid/lockout Gnomer is gonna be?

Hurray an actual date!

Mark your calendars and get ready to start feeling too sick to go to work on Feb 8th.


I hope its 7 days tbh.

lol my days off are Thurs-Fri-Sat. Perfect for me.

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This feels way to far out. Guess the 1hr game time per week andys win. time to do bfd 70 more times. aka 10 lockouts 7 toons.

Same I get off on Wed-Thursdays so I’m gucci. Especially if it updates midnight on the 7th.

Right before Valentine’s day, are freaking serious?

So uhm… Is the new promotion the wood dragon mount or?

Make your Choice:

Warcraft or Wife


feb 8th is wayyy too long of an initial phase, this length for a phase probably would’ve been fine for p2 +.

so many people have already quit because the lack of content at level 25. to be honest majority of the classic community from what I’ve seen/heard have enjoyed sod but are completely losing interest now, and honestly fair. there is QUITE LITERALLY nothing to do for a ton of players rn who have even farmed out exalted reputation with WSG.

“alts bro, level alts.” ligma. alts being the only alternative to a lack of content is lame.

ALSO. pvp wise i do NOT think balancing at level 25 should exist, however with how long this phase has been it needs to be either addressed or changed. Priests are too strong, hunter pets still solo people, ret paladin ranged slow is unbearable for how long the range on it is, starsurge doing as much damage as it does with its range and many more issues.

sod has been great so far and i personally have high hopes for it moving forward, but this phase shouldn’t of been this long.


Wife is gunna be around next year. SoD could potentially be once in a lifetime. :smiley:

I saw this on the EU forums and had to specifically search it up for the US forum.

Please delay Gnomeregan by a week so we can enjoy leveling.


Since we still have another full month of phase 1, can we expect any meaningful improvements to currently useless or underperforming runes during phase 1?

phasing the raid in is key.

inb4 “i rushed to 40 for gnomer in first lockout and now it’s been a month and im ready for phase 3”


No blue post on the EU forums. Blizz kinda doesn’t care about EU at all

Please make Emblems of Frost drop from Gamma dungeons.

Check again, I literally saw this on the EU and couldn’t reply there because I don’t have a toon there. 15 minutes ago.