This Week in WoW: January 8, 2024

This was already confirmed a long time ago my man

SM raid isn’t P2 anyway bro LOL.

It’s a later phase.

40 is the max level anyone considers running cath, champ

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This phase is way, way too long. This should end Jan 15th


Little longer than I expected but at least I have time for more alts.

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this is about how long i expected P1 to go. looking forward to Feb 8th! until then, I will continue having a blast levelling my alts and raid-logging my main!


Nice. Thanks for the heads up.

31 Days away so people who think “another month?!” can simply unsubscribe and come back in a month.


I have a friend who can play for 1-2 hours per day MAYBE. He has 3 toons already finished. The only thing I can think of is giving Ruby Sanctum some time to breathe after its Jan 11 release… but here is the thing. SOD players already pretty much quit WOTLK for SOD.

Do not punish us more by forcing us to wait behind a raid that has nothing to do with SOD. I mean they release Shadowlands within 2 weeks of one of the BIG TBC patches so why does Ruby Sanctum need 3 weeks?

Also if we are stuck in this phase for another month they HAVE TO NOW ADDRESS THE MAJOR ISSUES SUCH AS HUNTER PETS AND PVP AND CASTERS. Being stuck in this phase would be fine if it wasn’t so unbalanced and LONG. If the p2 patch came in Jan sometime I would say don’t even worry about WSG ques or casters sucking bad but like now we have to experience for an even longer period…


i spoke with Blizz. too late, they decided you’re being punished.

you have to wait until Feb 8, thems r the rules.

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LOL @ all you ppl who literally do not touch grass. Makes my heart warm knowing some of you will be forced to do other things =)


It’s enough time to roll a fresh toon, save 200g and get exalted!

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If this phase is going to keep going, they need to balance priest.

1.5 hours a day x 38 days = 57 hours. So your friend has 3 25’s that are “finished,” in that amount of time.

I don’t know what your definition of “finished” is, but I find it HIGHLY unlikely.


its crazy to think theres players out there who think taking 11 weeks to hit level 25 is normal


you can level to 25 in 1 day (10-15 hours) and you can walk into a raid and RNG gods can bless with with the majority of your drops.

What does approx 18+ hours of gameplay within 39 days have to do with touching grass? How long do you need to achieve these things? Even if you only played 30 mins per day you would still be max level.

best gear they can get, max level, max professions and rev with WSG. Sure he isn’t exalted but maybe he would spend more time doing that if he didnt que into an instant loss during the time he can play.

So yeah finished

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If you say so bud! See you in a month = )



Feb 8th? Gate keeping should have stayed in retail.

I enjoyed the start of SoD. However when I realized what we actually got that was NEW and I’m not very satisfied paying a premium price for a 2004 game with little to no additions and 1 rehash dungeon “raid” and Ashenvale. The rune system was very poorly done imo.

There are more bots than some f2p games. THAT is a red flag for me personally. The customer service is non existent now.

We’re suppose to pay these prices yet over the years thing’s have only gotten worse quality and quantity.

I’m at that point I just dislike logging in so even if it was a f2p, I’d still feel the same way… That’s a massive issue. There’s a reason servers die off hard during content droughts paying these prices for what we have to deal with is simply unacceptable to me and I imagine to a lot of others.

I’m gonna finally cave in and agree with those that say vote with your money and call it a day.

I been playing since 2005 off and on and Just think it’s time to hang up the staff and walk away.

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Most pathetic announcement ever.

Awesome! This phase has been so fun and neat I’m glad we get more time with it, I will be sad to see phase 1 go but very excited to see SoD evolve