This Week in WoW: April 17, 2023

Taking a page from Bungie’s playbook and producing your own TWAB* now Blizzard?

This Week At Bungie/Blizzard

It’s 13 year old content. Everyone knows what’s ahead in Wrath Classic.

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I was under the impression it came on May 2nd with patch?

Can my druid go back to being a night elf tomorrow? :pleading_face:

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So will my druid turn into a bird or?
Ignoring this…again…

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It looks like they updated the article with some clarification…and nope, we still have to wait.

Tomorrow is only an article about cross-faction guilds.

We’ve had many many iterations of this article over the years, whether it was the Explorer’s League News back in 2011, which was weekly, or something monthly like (This Month in WoW) or every two weeks like we were doing just prior to Dragonflight with World of Warcraft News and Development. We’re (like our friends you mentioned) seeing if we can get back to something weekly on a regular cadence instead. :slight_smile:


Gave me some chills! The art team never disappoints.

Keep up with these transparency post and hope for more articles and blogs that are long.

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Classic era man lol.

This is the way? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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All well and good but when are we going to get regular superior flying back so those of us who prefer it over boring dragon gliding have a reason to want to play again.


I actually like the May 2nd and 9th infographic. It’s easier to remember that way vs. reading about, kudos.


Cool :slight_smile: thanks for the communication


yes because you’re 12 years behind we know what happens next week for you.

No nerfs for hunters or pallys this week? Kinda disappointed.

I’d like to see this kind of follow up from Devs too…not just “we heard you” during one year, then some blue post from CMs but not a Dev response…like the Love rocket drop being address by a reward dev last year and 0 input from the same Dev this year.

classic wow has finite content, theres not much you can do with it now.

Bruh you are purposefully dense. When does som 2 start then smart aleck??

Cross faction guild… That’s almost unbelievable! <3

EXACTLY!!! How about at least letting us know when the next stages of Argent Tourney will be unlocked for both the quests and the raid. All we hear about is retail. For those who made the dumb replies about it being a 15 year old game and so there are no surprises for content, wrong! There is tons to be released still, we just don’t know when or if…