This Story Sucks, Dude

he equips himself with the axe of durotan, not doomhammer and joins varoks side.

Honestly Sylvanas is iconic but shes become so annoying and ridiculous.

I welcome Thrall back but since the writing is so bad lets just grab Garrosh from another timeline

They’d rather write self-insert themselves as deadfu cohorts.
In a sub-par style, reddit fanfic level of writing. :slight_smile:

Honestly killing Sylvanas and getting a more mild leader would be the best thing to happen to the Forsaken in forever.

Dropping the whole evil thing, ending blight and live experimentation would do the faction wonders with having others accept them as something other than genocidal zombies.

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Yes. He is invoking Durotan quite a bit

Perfect repetition. To be sure, I’d like to see a similar confrontation, but redoing the same finale again and again gets old. Sylvanas needs to be eliminated from the story at this point, as well as Nathanos. The reason for this is simply to restore a balance to the story. Thrall should be the scenario where “Durotan wins, and Gul’dan falls” righting the past’s wrongs.

Right now we have far too many extremes and Sylvanas surviving to this point doesn’t feel clever. It feels like the author has no ideas and said “because”. Or to wit, he gave her plot armor. This in turn breaks immersion and interest in the story.

At least when Metzen was writing he wasn’t shy about killing the villains, even when they did horrific things. That makes a good story. Blackmoore, Thorn Dog, (I mean Barthilas :wink: ) Victor Nefarius, Katrana Prestor etc. All got their comeuppance.

The issue here is the story continually excuses Sylvanas’ incompetence and Nathanos multiple errors within a cloak of edginess and fanboy zealotry. If this was the 90s, I fully expect Sylvanas would have been killed by an angry pack of Ogres like Lothar was, or just assassinated by Saurfang; like Blackhand was by Doomhammer.

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Kill some of them off. Please. The alliance would kill to have some spotlight for once, even if we have to sacrifice Malfurion to do it(seriously, take him, nobody wants him).

I think since Sylvanas wrote the message on Stormwind’s Plaque to Alleria and Nathanos was a Ranger Lord of Alliance, we can all agree. Lets kill these two “Alliance heroes”. Sound good? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sylvanas (in her current incarnation) is done. I mean, her storyline is beyond Stupidville right now and she’s a literal embarrassment to the Horde. The people who cling to her are either hardcore undead FBs or people who don’t possess the vision to see that her story can go to a better place.

You’re going to be so disappointed when she gets a good ole’ garroshing down the road.

I always considered her to be powerful, im not too disgusted at how she became warchief and is overpowered, she is pretty much a female arthas, how is that not powerful? people are surprised?

If Sylvanas isn’t ash after this expansion I’ll leave and never come back. I already had Blizzard delete one account because of their stupid actions, so I’m not even as remotely concerned about this newest one… It won’t be difficult at all.

Blizzard made me lose one of my favorite lore characters last expansion just as a minor plot point within the game and turned her into a throw away tear.

I’m tired of the Alliance getting crap for story and just be stepping stones for Horde Glory…

Yep but Blizzard is able of the Worse. Look at Starcraft and Kerrigan, queen of blades. They ended up getting rid of despite being Zerg icon.

I dont understand how shes the female arthas.

Shes a damn archer that got a banshee put in her. She should be rotting.

Ugh nevermind. Im so sick if her. She was awesome back in the day

Too much Thrall already. He should have been killed many expansions ago.

I like elves. I hate orcs. But elves constantly get the shaft and Thrall constantly gets all the love.

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Aww, he looks like a sad puppy.

Atm, my hype for Azshara is starting to deflate. I’m not particularly immersed in the Alliance story.

But she doesn’t and hasn’t is the problem. Sylvanas has killed more of her own civilians and warriors than any other character this expansion, and she genuinely dislikes most of the Horde races. Like…I want to believe there’s something left of the Sylvanas I loved, but this expansion has been a travesty of a story and Blizzard is doing everything they can to make her irredeemable and evil.