This script might stop you getting chat banned

Completely disables ability to chat in game - requires log out to reset the script you cant just relog and disable it

/run ChatFrame1:SetAlpha(0.0)
/run for i=1,NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do local f=_G[“ChatFrame”…i] f:SetAlpha(0) f.editBox:SetAlpha(0) f:EnableKeyboard(false) f.editBox:EnableKeyboard(false) f.editBox:Hide() end
/run ChatFrame1.editBox:SetScript(“OnShow”, function() ChatFrame1.editBox:Hide() end)
/run ChatFrame1.editBox:Hide()
/run ChatFrame1:SetScript(“OnEvent”, nil)
/run ChatFrame1.editBox:SetScript(“OnEvent”, nil)
/run ChatFrame1.editBox:SetScript(“OnEditFocusGained”, function() ChatFrame1.editBox:ClearFocus() end)
/console blockChannelInvites true
/script SetCVar(“wholeChatWindowClickable”,0)
/console scriptErrors 0

there’s no way anyone but you needs to childproof their chatbox to prevent themselves from getting banned


Yeah, who out of the 5 million people getting banned every 5 seconds in WOW arena would have a use case for this script.

chats kinda important especially in shuf, so you can make sure your all on the same gameplan. Just don’t be an angry toddler.


Shuffle rets going “go hunter all game” then randomly decide to hit the healer for 2 minutes because it’s the first nameplate they saw :dracthyr_a1: Idk how useful chat usually is

Told a windwalker he takes half dmg all game if he stands on me so naturally he randomly tries to kite dmg (unsuccessfully) but does manage to kite all the peel


who needs chat i just use pings or nod when they want to go somone. :dracthyr_nod:


it helps when you have humans on your team. Monkeys not so much.

When I’m trying to cyclone for my healer and he ranges and lines me on repeat and then says, “I need clones, man!!!”

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I can’t even count on one hand when shuffle chat has been useful. BGB chat on the other hand is crucial in top MMR.


When being an “angry toddler” is defined as telling people what they need to do to win such as pressing CD’s higher or not positioning in bad places that can lose rounds no I will not.

Frankly after 8 perma bans I refuse to go along with this because Blizzard decided to become insufferable speach police because they can’t stop harrasing woman in their workplace.

Also seeing some of you puritans are starting to get banned now on the Discord you might wanna act before you’re the next Mies or Budstro.


Tbh all you need to say is “go X” or “please dispell frostbomb”. No snarky comments no “WHERE BUBBLE!?”, “SELFPLAY RET NEVER SANCS”.

Yea me telling the healer to not stack on me so we dont get legswept shouldny be taken as abusive but might get you banned anyways.

This is always my experience.

I usually let the other person call a trgt “whether I agree, or not” because it’s just better to both be on the same trgt, but they almost always do what you’re saying here.

I had a version of this happen my last game on Ret.

The WW calls “lock all game” Game starts, I go lock, he slows the lock, then instantly rolls over to rsham… I think he’s gonna CC and come back, but he blows all his CD on the sham so I steed over there… just in time for him to roll back to lock while his images and tiger are on the sham still.

We ended up winning still, but as the game ended he says “WTF is the ret doing???”

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ive been elite twice with chat disabled . you dont need it if you know youre class well

Bro aren’t you like 28?

Somehow I’ve avoided ever being chat banned, so I think I’ll just keep on practicing common sense.


35 this year actually and still as savage as Tyler one or the Mies.

Happy birthday bro. I hope you have a good year.

Bet you word it like an angry toddler


everyone who’s ever taken his stance does.

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I have had exactly one lobby with you and you called one player a terrible REDACTED, the next round you said you were being griefed by boosted players, and the last round you said, “if the priest walks up to me and fears me again without being peeled im afk”.

I don’t think any of those coms were constructive except kind of the last one and even that was subject to interpretation.

Too many players watch league solo queue and all the miscommunications and limited perspectives that ensue and think that’s the norm.

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