This pretty much confirms Mechagnome as AR?

Blizzard actually addressed this, but many people seem to forget it.

They actually said that new NPCS, especially, are much more detailed to be more like a player character would be. This is to flesh things out more, making them appear more “real.” They even warned, in that particular case addressing Vulpera (if I recall) that this in no way means they will be a player race.

So fleshing out the Mechagnomes more, only means that they will be really involved in the “story” of that area and be made to seem “real” so you care about things more.

If they were making a big, new area where Ogres were the “story”:

Ogres would be much more fleshed out, in that area. This would not mean that they’d be player characters either.

Blizzard knows how few of us play Gnomes, though they are awesome. So they’d not make a “throw away” novelty race. Sure people would like them, but 99 percent of them would not play a mechagnome as a “main”; They’d play the Mechagnome as a bank alt, named “Goldgears”, or something.

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Is it weird that I actually don’t like the normal eyes? The mecha ones look so much cooler

Not if Giblins join them!

No, is not :slight_smile:
There are a lot of mechanical parts to mix and match to the character model… Tbh, Mechagnomes would rival the Ztrolls in matter of customization.

That was just them covering themselves because people called them out that Vulpera would be a playable race. We both know it’s not true.


Tortollan were not added in this way.
Sethrak were not added in this way.
Ankoan were not added in this way.
Gilgoblins have not been added in this way.


Vulpera and Mechagnomes were the only races added in this way, and thus, it’s blatantly obvious they are the next allied races.

And Re: People saying “OGRES/ARRAKOA/ETC Had Dances” - Blizzard hasn’t added unique dances to NPC races since Burning Crusade. They got lazy after that.

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Eh I’m not opposed to mechagnomes but, blizz needs to let us have numbers in our name because if I’m going to be a cyborg I want a serial number not a name.

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I wish there were a fully metallic face option, but I guess that might not work with emotes and animations very well.

And yeah, this ^ It’s kind of a weak counterargument to talk about what happened over a decade ago. They operate differently now.

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You are right except with one thing, Ogres actually they can equip all item slots. I saw it with my own eyes thanks to a friend who used to manipulate the games files. But this just a minor fact, i actually agree with what you said.

As far as i know that never happened.