This post is toxic

Yes, you read that right, I deem this post to be the most toxic thing to eve exist, so toxic in fact you may die reading it!!!


You asked for it.


It’s true, i just died a few seconds ago.

Tim Curry will do that to you love.


Oh it not that toxic urgh body thumps to floor :dizzy_face:

I will add one other infamous laugh, but only because he deserves it.

But I’m alredy dead. :skull_and_crossbones:


ok how about this

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Good, this post is working!

toxic is only a problem for the delicate flowers. I am immune to toxic. For i am strong.

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why so tosic omg reported

Your right as soon you post your opinion people start insulting ya and calling you names for having a opinion

surf rock gone Toxic

More toxic than worgen toots after burrito night at Taco Fel?

Butt is it as toxic as a Dreanai lock?

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/moo :cow:

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I’m already dead but I do admit I feel slightly sick suddenly after reading it…