His name is Virozir of the server Proudmoore, which I play on. Ever since the tail-end of MoP (maybe longer because that was when I transferred servers) he has sat on his Lovebird mount on the steps of the TD auction house in Stormwind. He’s a night elf druid that wears a pink dress and a pink wizard hat. He uses a ton of toys to be all sparkly and noticeable and dances on his mount 24/7.
My question is… why? He’s not max level so he doesn’t play the newer content, he’s ALWAYS there. Every time I log in, and just sits there in one place. For 5 years. Pays $15 a month to sit there forever.
Edit: I found his Instagram dedicated to himself. I’m so confused.
ht tps://www.instagram.com/virozir/?hl=en
It’s called art! Now I’m interested about this guy… Try asking your realm mates!
I’m going to go to that realm and be star struck by him. There are characters like that on moonguard also. There is this bear that is allways by the kitchen. And this priest who is allways by the stairs in the inn. They are like wow Celebrities.
This is bizarre but wildly entertaining.
Moon Guard has the level 17 gnome, Hygour. He moves around sometimes, but I’ve never seen him say or do anything. He used to be level 5.
He’s cool, I like Hygour.
I think to a lot of people, WoW is just like a chatroom with the ability to dress your character up.
to some people 15 dollars is nothing and him doing that same thing all the time in such a bizarre fashion is sure to generate heat. just look, it got you talking about him. im sure thats what hes going for; heat or traction. if not, i dunno.
this is so crazy check out his twitch too 
ht tps://www.twitch.tv/virozir/videos
it seems up until 7 months ago he perma streamed/recorded himself sitting there as well
day in and day out…
talk about a weirdo haha
Probably a botter with a ton of gold.
I have never noticed this guy lol
There are several people that do this on Moon Guard. However, it’s much worse. There are 3-5 naked male humans in the SW portal room that lie down 24/7 with a tentacle battle pet positioned on their crotch. There is a person that will often stand in popular RP locations in the AH mount simply to troll. There is a bear that sits in the GS inn and purposefully doesn’t talk to anyone. Point is, people like to be annoying and waste money.
I’d suspect either botting or just popping toys then alt tabbing to what he’s -actually- playing for the most part. If he’s manually standing there all day every day doing nothing but starting at his character on the bank steps, I’d legitimately worry for him.
The $15 cost (if any, cus WoW tokens. He may have saved a bunch of gold) is pretty negligible to a lot of people. I keep an FFXIV sub just to make sure I keep my house on Mateus. It’s a pain to compete to buy those.
I’ve seen him, Virozir, all the time on the steps on the Proudmoore Trade district AH. Eternally AFK. Talk about a guy who likes to idle around town.
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For some weird reason I find this kind of awesome.
Surely he’d have to log out during maintenance. 
How would you know? they log us out! but for all we know he’s still there stuck in a time warp twilight zone kinda thing!
I have an alt on that server and see him standing there all the time. Always wondered why. Someone message him and ask. I would but i’m shy lol.