This must be fixed by phase 2

Stuns are supposed to abort attacks - they don’t. Enemies with queued abilities (due to spell batching) can attack, cast spells,
and use abilities WHILE STUNNED.

This NEEDS to be fixed by phase 2.




Sure. Fix it as soon as they fix me getting mana burnt in bear form.


Sorry but this is more game - changing and affects more classes than one.

imagine OP is fighting an enhance shaman, and gets the stun off before the white swing. the game still lets the swing go through and OP is obliterated by windfury.

hilarious ending, but still bad news.

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Batching is an implemented mechanic to replicate server lag and results in a lot of unexpected behaviours.

Nothing to fix unfortunately as this isnt seen as a bug.

Your best bet is to work with the lag rather than against it, and actually theres a lot of spells that can be used at the same time and give you an unfair advantage if you know how to manipulaye it properly.

Ah, this is another complaint about spell batching.

so the druid gets 1 auto attack in while kidney shot at the same time.
not a big deal

There’s got to be more to this then just spell batching.

Okay level 120 pay pig, what happens when a Ret/Shaman gets an auto attack off? Oh yeah, the Rogue is dead. Keep your pay pig opinions to yourself.

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are we going to ignore the fact that rogue is one of the best if not the best pvp class in vanilla
god forbid you guys are not perfect, windfury is also not what it actually was in vanilla wow.

Hmmm so let’s just not fix broken things and bugs in the game to try to do a ghetto type of balance!!!

Lots of things are not actually what they were in 2004-2007, they already said spell batching is intended and they are not changing it.

Spell batching is supposed to be an accurate emulation of 2004-2007.

It is not.

They need to do their job and fix it. We are paying them monthly and giving them a paycheck after all.

We should expect bugs to be fixed and the game to work as it did in vanilla.

They can’t incorporate lag easily, hence spell batching. This is the closest emulation to the inconsistent lag scenarios we dealt with in Vanilla and that’s that. Stun sooner, or hope RNG favors you.

Pay pig? We just making up new dumb insults now?

Listen here you transaction trucker, we cost-averse cats don’t tolerate your billable bloviating around here!

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Yeah but no one cares about rogue’s problems anyway ;D

New terms? If you played WoW after MoP, you’re a pay pig.

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I prefer foraging ferret.

Or bumbling bear!

Or cacophonous cattle!!

I mean if we’re going to just pick arbitrary break-points with equally meaningless pejoratives, might as well pick a catchier one to use…

“Arbitrary,” the mtx skyrocketed during WoD and after and they pruned all the skill away from the game in WoD.

Yeah wouldn’t want the “mtx” to skyrocket… that would be a bad thing apparently…

Also are you referring to skill as in player skill expression, or just buttons to press? Very different things and none of this seems at all related to paying or pigs…

You’re adorable.