i dont want new content just let me back into HardCore
I just hope they don’t delete everyone’s banks again
Is plunderstorm on Siren’s Isle? Maybe that takes time. Also maybe they are fixing other things, like a bunch of titles showing up on log in? Or the broken mage hero talent tree.
Again, youre comparing new content to maintenances.
Its no wonder yall dont understand why things are done the way they are. You dont even understand the words youre using lol
you had to say it
Well then get on here and mock them with the rest of us, Mr. 41 posts.
oh lets not throw that out into the ether
Can’t wait to see what they break this time.
You are paying roughly 2 cents per hour of sub time with $15 monthly sub. A few hours extra downtime isn’t going to bankrupt you. Go play something else, read a book, clean your room, go outside and find a rose to smell, or something
We also haven’t had major downtime on a tuesday in months
there is a bluepost that they are bring up the servers plunder will be later
This is a technology problem, not a creative one.
Okay but like, todays my day off and I wanted to experience the new expansion. I can understand this kind of time being spent on say, a new major patch coming out but 8+ hrs still seems excessive, no other game or service i’ve had would see this as acceptable barring something like a natural disaster.
ROFL… percent example.
No one cares about furry Fortnite. If they weren’t trying to push that out the servers would have been back up hours ago.
I have nothing to add blahh
Ugh Extended down time ugh
You can’t use any items you get in Classic, in Retail?
Mabye why?
i dont mind long downtimes, lets me catch up on other stuff like almost all the Macross anime on hulu that released yesterday
Did they? I have doubts Blizz would bring it back if a majority hated it.