This is your free pass


She wanted more val’kyr in order to create make more free undead. It is the only way stop her people from dying out.

How is this terrible from the perspective of the undead?

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Oh please, the story has been taking a nosedive since Cata, and it has never been a free pass as millions of players have left.

They. Will. Not. Learn.


Have her die off-screen.

Cornered in the wilds and killed like an animal. Problem solved.

I won’t be able to move you on this postion.

I’ll say, “turning a neutral race into unwilling slaves is always going to be a terrible thing to do.”

And then you’ll counter, “desperate times call for desperate measures. Sylvanas’s entire people are in danger of dying out!”

And then I’ll say, “so what? Preserving the possibility of future ‘generations’ of forsaken have no impact on the wellbeing of the current generation. And besides, there is absolutely no reason to keep needlessly perpetuating the existence of undead people.”

And then you’ll say, “removing the possibility of future generations is akin to cultural genocide! Letting the forsaken die out means an entire civilization would be lost! That is equally as bad as forced slavery!”

And then I’ll say “if your entire culture is built around your identity of ‘being undead,’ that’s a you problem. There is no ethical reason that should become the problem of the val’kyr.”

And what will happen is what always happens; your perspective of Sylvanas and how you view the morality of her actions will always boil down to the question of whether or not you personally like the forsaken. Because, if you do, then you can forgive just about anything as long as it’s in the name of allowing them to persist.

I agree Shadowlands should a Patrick Duffy moment

No. I will say:

‘Yes, it is. But not from her and her races perspective.’


It will always boil down to whether or not I can see things from her and her doomed tragic race’s perspective.

And, in this case, I can.

So, while I can and do certainly see her actions as terrible, I cannot see her as terrible.

Unlike the whole, ‘The Horde is nothing’ scene where she lost the plot and was terrible on every level.