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Because what you said didn’t make sense. I’m talking about dream theory and you named two expansions you didn’t like.

Are they comparably poor expansions? Yes, they were. Were the entirety of those two expansions wastes of time? No, they certainly were not.

You and I both would have quit a long time ago if they were, so clearly there’s something here keeping us invested. The individual zone storylines and dungeons were interesting. Azshara and Denathrius are absolute highlights of their respective expansions. We got ten new races to play with. Lorewise, BFA fixed Jaina, brought back Wrathion and Thrall, and Shadowlands finally looks like it’s about to get rid of Sylvanas as an antagonist.

In terms of the cosmic disco war, yeah the lore is as bad as it’s always been. But notice how lore criticism is always focused on the main storyline. The war campaign, Sylvanas and the Jailer, the Old God “plot.”

Nobody ever says “the sethrak suck actually and I wish I never met them.”

Stuff like this reminds me of the southpark episode where there was “Aliens…who were ALSO Wizzards” And they could take over peoples minds.

Anything they do from here until the buyout is approved or denied will be thumb twiddling.

I prefer to think Deathwing won and we all died in the Cataclysm and everything since has been the dream world.

I am saying it doesn’t matter if they retcon it out because it was a waste of time anyway. And the story isn’t keeping me invested. Playing with friends does. That’s it.

No, no, no!!!

Shadowlands and BfA both take place in the nightmare realm created by N’zoth.

All of us being sucked into the nightmare realm happened right after the Legion was defeated. And by all of us, I am including the allied races so we have still met them and recruited them in this nightmare realm so they are still in the game.

And the reason N’zoth allowed us to think we had killed him was to thrown us off the scent.

That way Teldrassil and Undercity are fine, Sylvanas isn’t ruined, Bolvar still sits on the Frozen Throne with the iconic crown safely on his head and the afterlife remains a mystery as it should be. Oh, and our ability to rez remains a game mechanic rather than a sign of how gosh darn special we are!

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Cool, so we reset everything to post-Legion, Jaina goes back to hating the Horde, Sylvanas goes back to being terrible, N’zoth wants to take advantage of the obvious weakness in Azeroth caused by Sargeras’s sword, and the Fourth War starts all over again.

Sylvanas has been terrible since she came back from dropping from ICC. And really lorewise was bad before that. Jaina can hate the Horde. I don’t care.

N’Zoth should have resulted in some void take over.

But you can rest easy because we’ll likely get some light forged villain next expac that then at the end will tell us there is some bigger threat on the horizon.

It wouldn’t even have to be a “coma,” make it a full on vision. Full of truth and lies, which is just like an old god. Now we have to pick through this vision to figure out what was the truth and what was the lie to foil the plans of the old gods. This would let Blizzard retain the (very few) good parts of this expansion and easily discard the bad.

“Is the Jailer even real?” would be the best way to end this turd pile, because it would be a question we both do and don’t want an answer to.

You’re missing the point. The Fourth War isn’t interesting from a lore point of view. That’s why the writers had to invent ludicrously contrived reasons for why the factions would engage in warfare just to make it happen. It’s the entire reason why the Burning of Teldrassil happened.

As of the end of BFA, the possibility of a Fifth War is dramatically lessened. Jaina goes through an emotional arc and chills (haha) out. Sylvanas is removed from power. The position of warchief is abolished.

Reset all that and we’ll have to look forward to another faction war on the horizon. Which players very much don’t want.

This is my point. BFA and Shadowlands tied up certain plot points such that we don’t have to deal with them in the future. Were they done terribly? Yes. But I sure as hell don’t want some hotshot writer in the future deciding to go “okay, I know you know all about the Fourth War, but we half-assed it. So let’s do it for real this time!!!”

And then they fail to deliver yet again.

Let’s move forward. Not backward.

This is basically what BFA was trying to do for Pandaria. It was better until it came to the actual war part. Then we got a duel. :roll_eyes:

The fourth war happened in BFA. And if it’s written out would not have to happen again. You are acting like all this is on rails without writers steering it and would need to end the same way.

I don’t care about Jaina’s arc. It removed any gumption she had. She should hate the Horde. Why does she have to like us? Why does she have to be peaceful, flawless any of that?

Why does Sylvanas need to be understood? She was turned into a banshee and it gave her a darker side. There’s nothing wrong with keeping that.

To me by making everyone secretly good and only good or misunderstood, they remove layers from characters, and flaws. And that isn’t good at all.

There doesn’t have to be a faction war either because that resulted from Silithus. Silithus doesn’t have to happen. It’s BFA pre-patch.

Move forward to what? Another ominous prediction? They should have had Nyalotha be this huge expac all it’s own and have the baddies win for a bit. Or at the very least had Muehzala behind it all instead of buff Squidward. Who btw is also just very misunderstood because of this threat to the cosmos.

But like I said, rest easy because we’ll get the story moving forward into another bland villain with the same ominous prediction at the end. Rinse, repeat.

No disagreement there. Which is why the less writers feel compelled to “fix” or “redo” the old lore, the better.

Good for them and FFXIV.

Love when people always feel the need to bring in FFXIV to these forums. FFXIV is a meh mmo. Besides WoW…SWTOR, GW2, New World, Rift are better than FFXIV. I love how FFXIV also makes you have to do dungeons to advance in the story so you get to sit in a queue for 30 mins just so you can finish a 5 min dungeon to continue the story and level.

I’ve thought of this. Execution. Swift and just, then we forget about her. Like Garrosh

As long as my main can take her knitting and sit in the front row when she’s marched up the scaffold. : )


Otherwise known as Tuesday :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

Did I miss something?

I did not see Sylvanas as terrible during Legion.

Tyrande, now she was terrible! :angry:

Which he would be working on while we are trapped in this nightmare realm.

No it wouldn’t because:

a) everyone, including the leaders like Jaina, Sylvanas, Anduin, ect would now have those memories and therefore, very different perspectives

b) we would need to band together once again to save Azeroth from N’zoth and any other old gods he has raised or attracted or whatever

She was already working for the Jailer. She recruited Helya and attempted to use her lantern to enslave the val’kyr. Stormheim was full of Alliance v Horde conflict because of this.

But she would not have been working for the jailer because he is not real. He did not exist in Legion and was just a part of the nightmare realm for BfA and SL.

In which case Sylvanas working with Helya and enslaving the Val’kyr would be decisions she made on her own. Ergo, either way, she’s still terrible.

In fact, her doing those things without being told to do so might actually make her worse!