This is worse then BFA

Why are tanks still viable in 2s/3s
Why are healers still out damaging dps in 2s/3s
Why are games less than a minute in 2s/3s
Please pay attention to PVP blizzard, not everyone wants to fight AI…
I have played your game for 10+ years, and now you have lost me as a loyal subscriber. Legion was a step in the right direction, then you butchered it with BFA, then you guys basically put down your beer and said “watch this” introduced Shadowlands and made another chore fest of a ton of unfun game play.

Shadowlands has been nothing but tilting, boring and a headache, you’ve lost my faith and this game doesn’t appreciate my time nor my money.

Sir, this is the COVID testing drivethru


Anyone reading this now has the covid


oh, no…I’m infected!!


Wrong forum broseph

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There are no arenas in WoW Classic, but other than that, it may solve some of your problems with Retail.

If not, maybe see ya in TBC Classic.

Quick, you have to reroll to horde! Our Shamans can cleanse Disease, AND Poison!

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Don’t they know it’s the end of the world.


10 char

Wrong forum, this is the Classic forum

Yeah, retail is hot garbage, that’s why we’re all playing classic.


Pvp has been a weird minigame since vanilla, and the modern blizz cares far less for it then the original builders.

If you really care about pvp, wow is not your game.

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well its all over

Lmao all jokes aside, I tried SL got my main to 60, then quit days later. PVP in it is trash, what’s the point of a mana bar if it never dips bellow 50%? I was keeping my bg topped off and never had to drink once. PvP gear also needs resilience, versatility is inferior in every single way. Ret paladins and enh shamans healing themselves to full with instant heals. Every class and spec having a stun/interrupt/cc. What a joke lol. OP wrong forum but I suggest you wait for tbc if you like PvP.

lol, I was expecting a rickroll, and now I’d rather have been!

I try not to go with cliches

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Most classes are just reskin variants of each other in modern wow. You got your defensive buff your offensive buff, your interrupt, and you dps rotation. And the differences between classes in those is largely cosmetic. It all feels the same.

I took a vacine for retail

show me on the doll where retail touched you. your safe now in the classic forums