This is why wrath was the best expansion and will always be the peak

No I won’t… I played Wrath when it was good…

If they would take combo points of today and put it on Wrath era rogue, I’d be in heaven.

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i’ll play wrath again and be happy when i do icc and those nice vendors yes wrath is so much better than any retail besides mop.

To be fair, the 5 mans were actually pretty rough before dungeon finder. Gear inflation made 5 mans easy.

I would honestly say that was a bad decision for dungeon finder. I don’t understand why blizzard even made the 5 man heroics a part of the dungeon finder. Heroic 5 mans should have been left on foot. Because gear inflation trivialized all of them. I think dungeon finder wasn’t to bad otherwise. Homeginaztion and CRZ in cataclysm and pandaria made it even worse though, as no one had to worry about mana or anything. Just spam buttons and you are good.

Heck, i think if blizz had not added LFG to heroic 5 mans, we would not even need mythics today. Mythics are basically the new heroic mode.

I honestly think that, overall, wrath had a good run. Some bad changes here and there, but now there are hundreds of bad changes.

I honestly liked the 5 man trial of champs, but wasn’t a fan of the raid. Old naxxramas was better, but revamped naxx wasn’t that bad, just a bit to easy. Hopefully blizz overtunes the dungeons and raids a bit, because otherwise, wrath will be over.

Can’t wait for the copium when WOTLK classic does not in fact reach 12 million players.

I know this is very popular on the forums, but I HATED Ulduar - one of the worst raids I did and I was forced to do it on 10 and 25 man on multiple characters.

However - I still run ICC usually just to get Shadowmourne on whatever character I am playing at the time.

The only old content I do on every character is my Garrison since we don’t have player housing.

I do not even think i realized who arthas was when wrath of the lich king came out. I was still pretty new to warcraft in general, but arthas was part of why it was popular.

But man was this expansion fun. Each and every single level up. Dungeon. Raid. Wrath had it all. I mean, oculus and trial of the champs were not the best, but they weren’t terrible. I still had fun.

Wrath also had the old talent systems, rpg elements. The old classic 1-60 overworld. To many, wrath of the lich king was world of warcraft. That is not to say retail since cataclysm hasn’t had fun moments, because i still have a blast in retail. But it is different. I do miss the old 1-60 overworld. I cannot stress that enough. The revamp wasn’t bad to be honest. I think deleting the old overworld was a mistake though. And man, when wrath classic comes out. I am going to have a blast leveling up.

Doin some deadmines. Old wailing caverns and shadowfang keep. Razorfen kraul and razor fen downs. Zul furrakk. Black rock depths. Hellfire ramparts and blood furnace. The list goes on. The old barrens. Progress every toon to level 80. And kick arthas scrawny butt in. Maybe some stranglethorn vale and thousand needles. I am honestly hoping blizz adds the og classic 1-60 overworld back for chromie time in retail some day.

On second note, my retail goblin enhancement shaman atm feels so op. My self heals are basically OG death knight rune taps. Just super self healing atm on my shaman.