I watched the Superbowl.
I still can’t play professional football.
They keep trying to punt me.
I watched the Superbowl.
I still can’t play professional football.
They keep trying to punt me.
Demo shout causes aoe threat. Not much but it does.
Why does everyone always assume that the warrior must be the only one taking damage? That’s an unrealistic standard at the low levels.
Tanking early dungeons is tough for warriors. My 18 war alt tanked deadmines three times, and I’ll say the hardest part was dealing with people pulling aggro off of me because I couldn’t get enough threat before dps started, or because they’re using weapon enchants intended for level 50+ (fiery weapon is too much for that level lol).
I don’t think that the stockades are going to be much easier since people will still be tricked out and everybody’s still at the level where they’re learning their class.