How are you EVER supposed to learn by just watching?
Yeah, I can see you charge into mobs … but I have absolutely no idea what spells you are casting, which mob you are targeting/focusing on, how to weave spells into meele swings, etc. I get you can see /some/ of this if you pay REALLY close attention to animations, but still … you gotta get in there and do it to see what is effective and what isn’t.
That would be murder, if the person (who doesn’t know how to swim) you threw into the water, ends up drowning.
Some Who Doesn’t Know How to Swim
P.S. No, I will not go “swimming” with you.
it’s a lvl a lvl 25 dungeon. you can count on one hand the relevant abilities. stop trying to make this look complicated.
the hard part of classic tanking doesn’t come from the depth of the class… it comes from annoying taunt resist, string of parry/dodge, ressource generation being tied to damage taken and overly eager DPS.
If you push a tauren into the water, would that be considered cow tipping?
You are vastly overestimating the power of swipe. Don’t believe it? Roll a Druid and get back to us.
I’ve tanked as a warrior and a druid, and it’s far better on a druid at least.
As a warrior, tanking while leveling sucks, especially if you’re normally using a 2H and your 1H is only 5-10 skill behind. The mitigation mobs have against you can make tanking infuriating BEFORE the impatient DPS get on your nerves.
But yeah, vanilla tanking in general is super rough before gear.
This thread has inspired me to work on my warrior. Only ever played DPS and healz.
Am I missing something? The druid, who signed on as DPS, wants to go into his tank form and swipe spam?
There’s no z in heals.
Just trying to act like one of the cool kids. Excuse me, kidz.
Apparently the cool kids rode the short
You have definitely never played a feral druid.
Actually it would. People don’t want to commit to tanking, but if there was a easy way to swap back and forth warriors would 100% have it. It would increase tanks by a good 50%. I still don’t want dual spec in Classic since I like Classic for what it is.
I have to say I’m sorry for your experience with one of my fellow druids. I’ll make sure they get no petting and head scratches for a week.
On a serious note, it’s really embarrassing on their end since they were a feral DPS at that level you can tank so the fact they didn’t even offer to take over and maybe teach the warrior and instead choose to just flame the warrior is just so sad.
If that’s the case, why are there still people, in the Standard Game, hesitant in Tanking for PuGs? And they have Duel-Spec! Or, at least, the ability to swap specs, freely.
You didn’t kick dps you kicked a healer . Druids can’t dps
Jeasus, its STOCKADES! I dont see a better place to learn to tank at than a lvl 25 dungeon, you dont even really need a tank for stockades. I also like how the druid was talking about how he hates healing noob tanks, while in a lvl 25 dungeon, you could AFK in it and nobodie would notice…
So took your advice and skipped to the TLDR. I read it and was like ok wtf did someone necro a thread again? Been happening alot lately and this looks just like a topic i remember reading months ago. Hit the home button, look at the time and realize, Not a necro!
That said, I wouldn’t bother trying to heal, tank or even dps pugs. Kudos to you for being patient enough to even try.
I wish it was as easy as watching. I watched tanks while I healed them all the way from 14 in DM to 60 in MC and BWL.
As someone mentioned earlier, I can’t see what buttons they’re pressing. I do feel like I know how to pull most dungeons at this point from watching, but that’s about all I think can be reliably learned by just watching.
Since I’ve been in dungeons with warrior tanks that could hold aoe aggro like the mobs were velcroed to him and also some that a single mob would run from like a felon from the police, how do I account for that variation by watching?
I have played every tank class in the game, mained warrior until Wrath then mained DK then mained a DH in Legion. I hated tanking for pugs beyond Wrath, just so much “gogogo” aoespam annoying garbage I got tired of it.