This is what's wrong with weapons

one of the reasons i really enjoy thunderfury its because of how big it is…and then someone shows up that is mad about that fact, world of warcraft is not real life, dont try to use your real world logic here to weapons, we are in a world where weapons cuts through armor, and spears are no better than axes and swords in a warfare, and also you with leather armor with daggers can beat a full plate guy with a sword or spear…so no, i dont care at all about the weapons size or how much weight it must have.


I like my thunderfury hidden appearance oversized. If the swords weren’t clipping the ground, how could I earn gold plowing fields with them?


Mm… Bigger.


Titans Grip needs to go back to being a talent so Duel weilding 2 handers can be an option and not the norm .

Two 1 handers makes more sense over all.


Well I love big swords. Main reason I went outlaw. Was sick of daggers. But allowing them to scale to users preference is a good idea. But I wouldn’t want to lose my big Green swords.


That’s not my character. It’s someone I saw running around and it reminded me once again why I only play my Belf Hunter and none of my other Belfs or any of my melee.

No one handed weapon should be larger than two handers, nor is it good design to have them clipping through the ground.

This isn’t “real world logic,” this is me hating weapons that are larger than my freaking character and clip through the damn ground.

That’s nice. I do care about the size. And I’m not the one who mentioned the weight. To me, it looks stupid. I’d like a choice to make mine smaller. This doesn’t affect you, because I asked for an option. So try not to jump down my throat about it, hmm?


See, the problem I have with this explanation is that a lot of armors in game only change the color on parts of the armor. Like the paladin’s Judgement set? Red, teal, and purple, to varying degrees of color influence. I seriously doubt someone went in and retextured these items into another color by hand. Another example for plate users:

Chestplate of Impenetrable Darkness.
Demonsteel Breastplate.
Greystone Chestpiece.
Breastplate of the Guard.

I don’t think these color variations can be accomplished with a simple masking tint, unless they have some extra mojo going on behind the scenes where different parts of the texture react differently to different color tints (which might be kind of cool as part of a dye system in itself.)

Just saying, while there ARE some places where I can see that argument working (Paladin Black Temple remake armor is basically one color sans mythic variant) there are other places where the argument doesn’t work.

A big reason why I went fury initially for my dps spec was Titan’s Grip. 2 2-hand weapons is awesome.

I do think the options to use different weapon types should be restored including, but not limited to, SMF fury, 2h frost (please please please restore my 2nd favorite spec after fury, 2h frost, so that I can enjoy DK again), 2h ww monk, dw bm monk, etc.

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I obviously can’t guarantee it (as I don’t work at Blizz), but if I’m remembering it correctly, that is how they said they do it. It’s not a ton of extra work once you’re in the modeling software to change colors. It’s just not something that’s the WoW engine can handle.

I’ll see if I can dig up the post I saw about it.

They probably have a template to create new colors of existing models.

I guarantee the engine can handle it, they’re just not coding it to be end user friendly. Engines aren’t isolated little boxes of untouchable code like people tend to imagine, they can be perpetually upgraded so long as the developers understand the code they’re already working with. Especially if a developer was smart enough to future proof from the start. This is why Warcraft can use directX 12 instead of being stuck at whatever existed during its conception.

See also: Bethesda’s creation engine, which never supported multiplayer until Fallout 76. It’s been around since Morrowind (then called the gamebryo engine.) They’ll continue to improve and use the engine going forward, and we’ll continue to be impressed with how little bug testing and squashing they do.

So I’m hard pressed to believe they can’t so much as they won’t.


If it’s going to cost more resources to implement than it will return in profit, the resources will be used for something more profitable.

But I’m definitely in favor of more customization of every kind.


You’re guaranteeing that the engine, in its current iteration, can handle dyes in an acceptable manner or are you saying that it’s most likely possible to change it if they really, really wanted to?

The engine will soon be handling ray tracing, so… :woman_shrugging:t2:

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its a proven fact that 80lb elves are twice as strong as 300+lb orcs. thats why.

i do agree though i wish we could make weapons and shoulder pads for sure a bit more normal

I’m saying there is no limitation to what can be done to the engine. The coding is not there in the engine for dyes, but they can always add the capability for armor dye. The most rudimentary form will of course be a full on color tint, but ideally they’ll integrate whatever method they use out of engine to color portions of armor into the game engine itself. Clearly they have some approach to making the method accurate and time efficient or they wouldn’t do it as often as they do.

Everyone else gets smaller weapons, Orcs get bigger weapons. Problem solved.

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zThis is DA reason i play melee !!
The bigger the weapon, the better!!

ok…i need to compensate for real life stuff but dont judge!!!

My most egregious example is the Protection Paladin Mage Tower reward on a Blood Elf. The head of the flail clips into the ground. Now, instead of bearing a holy weapon of godlike power, you’re carrying a decorative stick that’s been chained down.

You look like you’re trying to walk off with the gaudiest of bank pens.


Me need big weapon go bang bang on head, me hit hard need bigger bang bang to hit on head with, me big man big.

Duel wield two handers look ridiculous and juvenile to me but some people seem to like them.