This is what the alliance have to do on Fairbanks in order to get inside BRM

Sorry for bad music youtube copyright


edit: confused fairbanks and whiteman lol, faded, fap comment still applies

fairbanks is worse than 60:40 atm, and i do have FAPS. i used a LIP

*this isnt a video to showcase how good i am in PVP. its more to show what its like on a 70:30 server trying to do MC

Fairbanks is about a 70:30 ratio? Lmao wow

64/36 :wink: :smirk:

That’s some pretty sad honor farm for Horde. If they went in groups of three they would make more Honor off a 3v1 than that abomination.

Imagine being outnumbered with this ratio, and seeing this many people in Stormwind.


Heartseeker has more alliance in org than horde lmao


If this is what people are complaining about… I don’t even…

…that looked like FUN to me.


It is fun if we can get a huge group together, but if we hadn’t gathered 120 people the death running is endless. People covering both doors + the MC portal. Its pretty bad. Even though i love events like this, i would also like to be able to grab world buffs etc. to raid.

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I’m out of Hearts, today. Pretend this is me giving you a Heart :black_heart:

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Nice video BTW. Post more from your server. I liked watching that.

I play on Grobbulus. It is about as even as you could ask 50:50. And it is a lot of fun too. But I want to see more videos from these imbalanced servers.

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Im saving a bunch of footage like this so i can compile it into one video. i have a tonne of these clips


7pm Tuesday night, BRM, one of the largest servers…

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except its like this every night. + i wasnt complaining. Im just showing what its like

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Okay Bro enjoy your 4hk per.

BuT tHe HoRdE aRe JuSt ToO sTrOnK aNd AlLiAnCe iS bAd!!!1##(#@@

Mind you this was JUST t get in the front door, but it disproves that, even on servers with disparity…


And that is an excellent thing! It gives a real example of what the situation looks like on Fairbanks. That definitely helps to put things into perspective, I think.

Of quite probably one of the most camped areas during one of the busiest possible times.

Wait what? I’m not sure what “edgelord” means, but if you mean that it disproves that a single raid can just walk into BRM and clear their way to MC, then I think you need to watch the video.

I’d be surprised if anyone expects it to be that easy to do what they did with such small numbers. Esp. on one of the highest population servers, with one of the supposedly highest population discrepancies!

I’d been wondering how things were going for you on Stalagg. I did roll a level 1 dwarf, who was level 2 from exploration by the time I got to Menethil Harbor on Stalagg, and saw some Alliance from <Torch> (and some other guilds) defending against the Horde.

Here are the two takes I got from your post, and I’m curious if these are even how you intended them to be taken, or if you mean something else:

  1. Look how many people there are inside Stormwind. We have a strong population!
  2. Look how many we have. Looking at the stats from a website that aggregates log data, we are cowering in SW in fear of the massive numbers of Horde outside.

I was just noting how armchair awesome some people are about PVP like it’s them actually swinging the weapon or w/e.

But to clarify, I am no means saying this was easy by no stretch of the imagination. It’ll be harder for sure. But it’s better than rolling over and whining on the forums.

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