This is the best item I will ever loot in this game

I mean, when was the last time you got excited over a wand drop?



I need this now.


I remain surprised every time I am reminded wands exist in this game.

Digs out a bag of Werther’s Originals

You kids remember when we used to have to have a dedicate bag to shoot our bows and guns?


I need this in my toolbox IRL. Not even sure what I’ll use it for, maybe demoing a wall then hanging new doors or something.


Better get to delvin’

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It’s genius.


You can tell it is Goblin engineering because the rocket is pointed at the wielder?

I do wish we’d kept the bags for ammo-types. Even if we got rid of the actual ammo, keeping ammo types would have been interesting. Heavy, armor piercing, scatter, light, phosphor, etc, would have been an interesting mechanic, even for non-Hunters.

Heavy slows the rate of fire, but deals more damage and has a higher chance of a crit.

Armor Piercing does just that, but at the cost of less chance of a critical, but a larger critical overall.

Scatter-shot naturally cleaves all targets within 5 feet of the main target, but splits the damage equally between all of those targets and cannot crit.

Light increases the rate of fire, does less damage and the criticals do less damage, meaning you might get more critical hits, but they’ll do less individual damage.

Phosphor might light up the target and inflict minor fire damage in the process, or ignite enemies afflicted with a Tar Trap or similar mechanics.

I do wish we’d kept ranged weapons for all classes. I liked running around with throwing daggers and axes.

I just noticed, is that paint or blood on the wand? I’m gonna go with paint, but it’s a piece of Goblin engineering, so blood isn’t unlikely.

Now I wanna make a mage that uses Wands for all of their spells and runs around like a Wild West Gunslinger with bandoliers and belts full of wands for every occasion.

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We still have ammo types, it just got absorbed in to talents. I think theyve removed some of them though. We had frost ammo etc at one point this way.

Most of MM’s abilities are different types of ammo/shots tho.