This is SO FUN! OMG!

I love going against level 60 people all the time in BGs. Especially as a PUG going against premades are the BEST!

This is really cool and not frustrating at all!


It prepares you for what it will be like if you decide to try and gear up through battlegrounds when you hit 60


Get used to it, it will be the same thing at 60!


need help gearing while you level?

Another one?

Seriously, scroll down. You’ll see dozens of these kinds of posts.

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It’s actually worse at 60. Lvl 60 twinks farming fresh 60’s all day every day.

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My 46 was in one last night where the top damage was by a 60 lock who did 60% more damage than the second highest player.

Impossible. That would mean that 60’s have an advantage in lower brackets and Blizz ( and trolls in this forum ) said its all balanced and working like its suppose to.

  1. Yes, most 60s don’t want to gear to pvp so they group with lowbies to do random bgs; why? Because random BGs at 60 are a mess.

  2. Try to get as much honor as you can while leveling to be able to buy some honor gear at 60.

  3. When you reach 60, do the covenant campaign and upgrade the gear to 190. Then queue up for RBGs; they are way more balanced and fun than the current mess of random battlegrounds: facing full groups of horde players with 40k hp or more.