This is really getting ridiculous

Half our guild hasn’t even been able to log in once since wrath went live. Multiple others have been DC’d every day and thrown back in queue. Some that work for a living have gotten in queue almost as soon as they started and 5 hours later when they get off its still hours and hour of waiting. Our transfer options are a heavily horde dominated PVP realm and a bunch of legit dead realms. Myzrael has 300 people recorded in the last 7 days. Not a chance. There’s a solid 30 accounts in my guild alone ready to cancel their subs.


New world?

Im on Myzrael. That information you’re seeing about our realm is wrong (or you’re fibbing).


Do it or shut up tbh. You won’t be missed either way.


Guess you guys should make a healthier choice of realm if you’re not willing to deal with the queues that we have all known would happen for years and years now.


A lot of those sites that “poll” realms are most of the time inaccurate.

It’s best to make a level 1 on the realms and scope around and ask the locals.


Pretty sure this guy is a troll and is blatantly lying about things. Hes completely wrong about Myz and is spreading misinformation for the purposes of trolling. Level 27 retail alt was the cherry on top.

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I am on it too. It is fairly dead. My guild was contemplating leaving so they could raid in wotlk. It’s bad


He will be missed just like the over 12 million paying customers that already left. If less people left, blizzard would invest more money into the game and it would run better.


It has a lot more than 300 people on it like the OP claims.

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Ite day two. 300 people is nothing by the way for day 2 of the most successful expansion of all time.

Its showing 310 on the site everyone is using for pop.

What I’m getting from all these queue threads is that people want Blizzard to force people onto other realms. That’s the only thing that makes sense.

Assuming you’re talking about Ironforgepro, that site bases those numbers on logged raids and arena participation. Things a lot of people aren’t doing now.


Part of the reason so many idiots are resisting these server transfers is because of these bogus, inaccurate “sites”.

Cross realm please ffs.

no im not using ironforge pro

Just making it up then? Got it.

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blizzard refuses to publish realm stats so this is the only thing we have to go on

What site are you using?
