Well yes it is sharding, but it doesn’t take much to notice it’s a step in the right direction compared to their older tech. And at the end of the day it’s only in the game for a small duration; maximum one phase. Keep in mind I’m not for sharding but it’s not going away so why put in the mental strain of complaining on the forums about it.
guilds will notice unless ion manages to get them to always put guilds on the same session layer.
It is not a step in the right direction. It is a band-aid fix.
It is a step in the right direction as it is an improvement over the retail sharding technology, as I said above they aren’t going to launch without it so this is a better alternative.
Sharding was a band-aid fix to make servers seem alive but all it did was add a -servername to everybody you spoke to.
Even if they nail the optics (where you don’t see people shifting in and out) and they nail the shard hopping (to prevent people from gaming the system), what you are missing is the community.
If you run into randoms every night (like in BFA) - you lose the chance to develop friends, rivals, and reputation.
Speaking for myself - I don’t want to play a 15 year old game to down a raid boss that has been theory crafted for a decade, and I don’t want to que up with randoms every night in a BG (I can do both on live). I hope to get the community experience I had in vanilla. If the servers are too large or too fractured - we are not going to get that chance.
Why is it so crazy people want to play on a server and see every single person they’re playing with. Really? Why is that a bad thing?
some folks are already dreaming up ways to throw a wrench in the works. like inviting massive amounts of people to the same layer, so the server session crashes. this will result in banned accounts and angry customers. i dont think that is the best solution to getting blizz to make it without layers. the only solution is the one abigail and i were talking about.
Who knows -maybe they have guilds they are coming in with or they never experienced the original product.
you will see every single player since a layer can contain more than a vanilla server’s worth of players. but the next night, you might see another vanilla servers worth of players.
to somewhat resolve this someone suggested to ion hazzikostas that they should always put members of a guild on the same session layer, so at least if you’re on a session you see all your guild members as they run by, without having to invite them to your session layer since they will automatically be on the same session layer, he liked the idea and told the dev team to work on it
It’s not a bad thing, I want it too but it’s highly unlikely that they will not launch without it.
This MUST be fixed. Layering sounds OKAYgiven that it works exactly as intended, but I worry it won’t, and can be exploited.
Please do fix it asap, or drop it if it can’t be fixed
all i know is when wod launched, i was in the login queue for a week. it’d count down from like 900 or so, and when it would get close to 0, it’d reset back to some high number.
There is a simple fix to this. Stop all trying to roll on popular servers
Time to make a guild called Warts and All
Stop saying “we”. You speak only for yourself.
I, for one, would prefer to not have servers that have only 100 people on them a couple of months after Classic launches.
they are using a new naming schema. we wont know whats popular or not unless they show pop numbers. i suggested that if you put the people who are willing to wait in queues on hardcore servers and let them have the game the old school way, with the login queue doing the load balancing, they can still have their normal layered servers for people who dont want to wait in login queues and both player types are happy
Stop thinking you speak for every person that plays WoW
Firstly you talking about “Why is it so crazy people want to play on a server and see every single person they’re playing with. Really? Why is that a bad thing?? hurr durr Isn’t this how Massive Multi Online Role Playing Games WORK?”
and then you just counterargument yourself with
“why do you want to go near people!?? choose other servers with less people in it”
You are… such an… ugh… I can’t even choose a form of the word of how annoyingly DAFT and ignorant you are.

Stop thinking you speak for every person that plays WoW
Isn’t that what you’re doing?
Hey buddy, people here clearly aren’t interested in your doomsday talk, maybe try another layer?