Zero, if I don’t like something, I stop playing it and come back later if I start liking it again. You should do that here, don’t play while layering is here, come back after.
nobody will phase. no phasing. the entire continent will be one gigantic sublayer of the server layer. it will not phase. but you can jump to another sublayer of the server layer.
they decided to do this so if you’re running on the path between menethil and arathi highlands, the ungrouped person running next to you wont suddenly phase even once you cross over into arathi. even once you cross over into plaguelands. etc. it’ll feel just like vanilla.
Where did you get idea I won’t be playing Classic? I see layering as necessary evil, I’ll manage with it for first month. If you can’t handle it, can you really say you’re that interested in Classic to begin with?
A long time ago back in the golden days of 2014 a new expansion was slated for release by a company named Blizzard. This expansion was teased, data-mined, and gathered an immense amount of hype unlike that which hadn’t been seen since three expansions prior. This expansion was Warlords of Draenor.
Stay with me.
The hype was immense, it was intense, people were excited to play a true version of World of Warcraft; a version going back to it’s roots. Orcs vs Humans. Like the good old days.
November 13th rolled around and the queue times skyrocketed. Two hours. Four hours. Seven hours. Nine hours. All they did was go up and up and up as people swarmed the servers to finally play an expansion World of Warcraft deserved. Only, that’s not how it happened.
Queue times were so long, and finding a way to stay logged in was so easy, that the queue times only proceeded to get longer and longer and longer. Suddenly, you were waiting an entire day, just so you could log in, find a way to stay logged in, then go about your day before playing it the following evening, which only made queue times longer than previous.
Warlords of Draenor is remarked as the worst expansion ever created by the World of Warcraft team. Now imagine Classic, for all it’s worth and hype and want, but with less servers.
Imagine frequent crashes and long queues that go well past the five hour mark. That’s why they want to add layering. That’s why they were going to add sharding but found a different way.
If he’s talking about the streamers showing the weird, glitchy, buggy mess that isn’t sharding or layering, then a CM has already acknowledged that these are bugs and are being looked into.
It’s literally the same tech that is in current retail wow. The same tech that makes the World of Warshard not feel like a full, cohesive, interactive world.
k to post a link do the following. look above the box you’re posting in. there’s a row of buttons, just above it that can be used to B bold I italicize, link, quote preformatted text, etc. copy and paste your link into the box you type in to post, highlight the link with your mouse, then hit the preformatted text thing that looks like this </>. it’ll highlight your link and let you post it, thusly it should look like that. you can see if you’ve done it right by looking at the box on the right
No it’s not, BFA sharding is crossrealm and you phase every few meters, Classic has layering, which is world-wide, as said in every single dev interview at Classic summit.
If you’re gonna go with what feels like vanilla, then you gotta take queues, lag and dead realms, we trade those things off for month of layering, great fix in my eyes.
Cause its closer to Vanilla. And You like it. You have your PRIVILEGE of being rude and demanding little kids. You don’t demand from private server be MORE as vanilla. You understand the limitation of the guy who trying to bring it up, even if he/she couldn’t. The same goes to Blizzards. They already said that bringing up THE VANILLA isn’t possible for 100% it was a different time, there were different rules but they will TRY to get as close to it as possible. And me personally trust them on this, cause they also said that people who actually CARE are working on Classic.
You aren’t changing your personal experience on this right? You won’t get roller mouse, old white keyboard with hard pressing keys, you won’t downgrade your pc and ram right? WHY? This was part of your experience of old TRUE vanilla. SO Stop being hypocrite and just WAIT. When they fk this up you can go here and whine. But now look up the information, try to ask people what’s that or this. For me this thread opened some information about layering I didn’t know, but it wasn’t coming from you, all I saw in your messages “REEEEE CHANGES!!1”