THIS is not Classic. Warts and all

This is only an issue because everyone rolls on their favorite streamers server. When I started wow I played on a dead end backwater server Jaedenar. I even have that character still. And I met some cool people on that server despite being (LOW) pop. People who want to play on their favorite virtual friends (streamer) server should have to sit through a queue, or find a new server. Classic WoW is all about the server community. Not the Server Layered Community.


give a combat debuff that doesnt go away till 5 minutes after you leave combat, that way people cant hop layers to cheat in pvp or pve mid battle.
disallow farming ore, herbs, skins, or loot if you aren’t on your assigned session layer. only can loot quest objectives.

That’s a good solution.


i roll on the server of the guild i’m going to join or if my family or friends are on a server. i never join a server because of a streamer. never even crossed my mind.


It might be for those reasons.

I think the larger problem is that we don’t want to be on a mega server where our community experience varies dramatically every night based on what shard we land in.


Dude it’ll be here for a month to prevent dead realms after tourists are gone, and many tourists will be gone. Give it a break.

You mean owe?

What do you mean? They promised recreation of Vanilla, adapted to modern client. We’re getting the vanilla experience, minus constant lag, disconnects and queues.

Take your own advice.


I like how people be: “THIZ IZ NAHT CLAZZIQUE” but then if you ask them what is Classic/Vanilla, they just say: “its a game which I was playing THAT OLD TIME WHEN I WAS MUCH YOUNGER”. No arguments, no facts, no description, just “MUH FEELS”.
Even Privat serves can’t reproduce vanilla. They are just a shadow of what it was.

And you also think what is best, but you also don’t.


There’s a lot more wrong than layering. Hunter pet tracking is an issue, for example. But yeah @$%^ layering/sharding it’s cancer.

Maybe he is wrong - but at least he is asking for something closer to the original product.

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i agree with you on this. really just need to make a few layers that cant be hopped, number them then lock them when full. and let you select them from the server selection screen.

The entitlement of a portion of Classic community is unreal. They claim they’d rather have dead realms and lag/queues than 1 month of layering, and if they got that they’d cry on forums and make tickets how they’ve been in queue for 7 hours 43 minutes, and how their realm is dead in month or two.

There’s 3 months to Classic release, we’ll have layering for a third of that time. Third.


Seems pretty simple - then if their prediction that their numbers fall bears out, merge them.

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i think the solution is to set a few layers aside named hardcore, that will load balance by login queue but you cant layer hop.

I’m not even gonna bother formatting because of your cherry picking.

Classic is not Layering. Classic is a queuetastic cohesive world. Not Instances upon Instances of the same server

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That’s the ideal situation, not “REMOVE LAYERING OMG IT’S NOT VANILLA”.

What instances upon instances, layer is 1 instance, 1 world, and it lasts just a month to prevent dead realms. Are you that daft? You won’t swap layers randomly, only by joining a friend’s group do you switch layer, unless they change that, that’s the worst case scenario.

the wow server is cloud tech. literally everything is already a layer of the cloud.

What instances upon instances, layer is 1 instance, 1 world, and it lasts just a month to prevent dead realms. Are you that daft?

Each layer is an instance. Just for the demo turns into just for the beta turns into just for 6 months or so turns into 1-2 months turns into it’ll always be there.

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Yeah and Blizzards stated already not once that they TRYING their best to preserve everything as it was back then.
And sometimes it can’t be done. for Obvious reasons, It was a limited game with limiting times. You had different views on things and different PCs to play. You had less experience in things and when you encountered a bug or something, you didn’t acknowledge it as one or didn’t give it much thought, now you just scan EVERYTHING with profanity filter check. Does this act as it was acting before? Does that do what it was doing back then?
And thing is you can’t tell 100% by yourself cause it was 15 years ago. As I was saying even on private servers people TRIED to replicate vanilla and they couldn’t cause of constant bugs, balance issues and other problems.

Layer is a realm within realm, makes merging easier, just by removing layers you merge the little realms and are left with something that’s not a dead realm.

Look if you hate it so much, you know what you should do? Not play first month, wait until it’s gone. They’re not going to remove an established system that solves all problems because Yaluk on forums doesn’t like it.


Tell us why a private server surged in popularity then? We think we do…but we don’t?

Because retail sucks.