This is not acceptable (Metamorphosis rune)

It is also having massive threat issues compared to a free rune like shaman

I mean, I have no objections to one rune per class being tied to a raid.

I love class quests, and runes are essentially a extension of those quests.

Did it for legendary gear, can do it for runes.

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I am sure its threat issues will be perfectly fine in the later game while you are spamming your fire spell on the fire bosses in MC and BWL :joy:

I feel like mc and bwl might not even be our end game anymore honestly

And that is one of the biggest issues people have with this, this is the only rune tied to the raid making it a massive slap in the face to people who wanted it while leveling like shaman and rogue got.

it is not just a matter of “Oh man I gotta do X thing to get Y item.” this would be like if at lvl 60 every class got their tier sets from quest lines and not just their .5 set but mages could only get theirs from doing the raids.

The first phases of lvl 60 it will be, I am pretty sure they said at this point in time they had no new “end game” content planned to be released meaning no new lvl 60 raids however they said adding some later like after nax and everything was not out of the question

Well they are removing the raid requirement later tonight or tomorrow so this is all now a moot point


Equality of rune acquisition was not something they promised.
I would rather have done just about anything else to get some paladin runes. They have so far been pretty disappointing to obtain, I am looking forward to the more involved ones. Doing BFD to fight the cult after doing a legit cool path to get there is way more interesting than “fight drunk man” or “judge mobs 10 times”.

IMO, not tying at least one rune per class into the end phase raid was a bad choice. Having to do something to get something is not an unheard of trade off.

Got what ya’ll wanted.

Wouldnt be surprised if there was a rune to make searing pain do shadow dmg or something, theyre not going to leave a tank out to dry

Nothing about the meta quest line was cool, it was just a massive running time sink (even more so for the horde since both towers were in alliance zones) of corpse runs or just unga bunga with 20 people where you would throw yourself into a hyper spawning tower filled with mobs and elites.

It was no “Oh man look at all this cool lore or these neat quest I gotta do”


Bet it’ll still require level 25. But that’s an improvement. I wish I could get it at level 20 like the rogue rune.

I mean, I disagree. You are welcome to your opinion though.

it only needed 25 because of the raid, Now the only real lvl thing is because you will need is sfk and you can easily do that at 20.

The towers you will either need to corpse run or get a goon squad of people to do. I ended up just ghost-running into the red ridge one then sitting there in ghost form till a group of alliance came and cleared it out then looted the item after they left

It’ll be difficult but possible at 20. Still I heard to even pick up the quest you needed to be level 25 so couldn’t even do the sfk part until 25. We’ll see after the patch tho. PErsonally I prefer no instanced content but I can do sfk.

No one cares about your opinion, youre better suited to playing retail.

130 people is no one now? Actually 130 people agree with my opinion. Many more care. Including you. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be here responding to me.

“130 entitled mouth breathers” are still a lot more then no one.

We won. So who’s laughing now.


Considering our tank rogue has his and our tank lock doesn’t have his id say you dead wrong. Getting honored with the faction is easy and takes maybe a day of turn ins. That said I don’t really care that the meta rune is locked behind the raid content. My problem is that blizzard are dumb and said it was obtainable when the quest was bugged and only able to be completed with a 5 man group in a 10 man raid for the first days. It was the last rune to be discovered because of their screw up.

Yep it was a design failure even though the quest was cool in theory. You shouldn’t lock a tanking run behind the max level raid in a phase.

This should be obvious…

The main problem with the turn ins is that theyre unique, pick one up, head to org, head back, pick one up, head to org, head back, its a headache