No one sat in their garrison because it was an amazing place to be. They sat in their garrison because there was nowhere else to go other than Ashran. Garrisons in and of themselves were not bad design - it was the lack of thoughtful design everywhere else that was the problem.
You certainly are entitled to your opinion, as much as I am entitled to point out that gating core content behind things that many (if not most) do not participate in is very bad design.
Then, friend, I think we are more on the same page than we may realize. I apologize if I am frustrating you… I assure you that I am NOT intentionally attempting to be frustrating or obtuse.
I can agree with you, generally speaking, on the notion of your provided “3 tier difficulty” system. I think with some adjustments, this is a fine template. I believe the ‘difficulty’ level of obtaining a rune should be largely influenced by the power of the rune itself. For example, IMO, Haunt or Chaos Bolt, may needed a higher difficulty level to obtain because, again IMO, they are stronger spells.
And as far as the towers, I am not suggesting that you are asking for the meta ‘tower’ requirements to be removed. I was using that example to suggest that instead of simply deleting those requirements (make it easier), Blizz should go in the opposite direction and apply some of that same difficulty to other runes/classes.
Ok I got tired of making replies because almost everything was the same thing.
So here’s a summary.
This is phase 1/4
You’re 25/60.
You’ve seen less than 1/4 of the dungeons you’ll be able to tank.
Blizzard advertised warlock tanking, not “warlock tanking at level 1.”
The only legit complaint is if there’s no catchup mechanic for runes and if new players join in later phases and have to do the raids to get their runes, that’ll be a bit weird but not impossible. I’m sure lots of chads will be selling GDKP clears/etc. Plus people will level alts, everyone will need to go in there to get their runes… it’ll be ok.
Shamans are better than you and we know it. All tanking runes at level 12 baby.
Seriously though, just relax and have fun. Enjoy the game. The -entire- reason there is a level cap is so that you don’t feel rushed into being “meta” (haha, get it?).
Phase 1 is a third of the experience being spoiled. It is very much felt.
It could be the hardest rune in the game to get and I would still go and get it, its not about having it easy, but getting to play with it at all during my progression.
This is what’s infuriating. No one considered this: We need to spend hours of time, rely on dozens of people to help you, do a raid that locks on you all while not doing the very thing we picked the class to do in the first place. It’s inane and I cannot believe no one looked at what they did for every other tanking rune and said “yeah, this should probably get tweaked”. The severe lack of parity for this rune and a couple of others (ex. Demonic Grace is on GCD and triggers it too?!) really makes it feel like this was less thought out than we were sold.
Anyone saying that people shouldn’t be upset about it didn’t have this problem. Even Earth Shield, which was bugged, didn’t stop shamans from being a healer. They just wanna feel good about getting all of their stuff without getting dragged around for three days looking for a way to solve a bugged quest line.
Honestly shocked. I didn’t know bliz devs worked on sunday. We might not see it this tuesday though if they do ultimately decide to change it. So by the time they do change it if it’s the tuesday after next AT BEST. I’ll likely already have it. But I’ll be happy for the new players coming in. All locks who want it deserve to tank!
Gatekeeping spec defining runes behind a raid (the singular rune thats in the raid, mind you) after they specifically said runes wouldn’t be in dungeons in asinine.
Subbed two days ago with my spouse out of hype over the Warlock tank. Wasted 30 bucks. But ya live and ya learn. Childhood naivety kicking in for a once good game.
I get virtually all my Shaman tank stuff without raiding but my spouse has to gear for DPS, spec for DPS, and then join a group/guild to DPS for a tank spec. Then my spouse has to respec, regear, and find a new group that needs a tank.
There’s challenge and then there’s just tone deaf silliness. I keep forgetting a large portion of WoW players have been conditioned to accept silliness. Season of Discovery = Season of Disappointment. This would be a nonissue if it was perhaps a rune that made tanking even more efficient but I guess thats asking too much.
Imagine Oldschool RS with a VASTLY lower budget team putting out better thought out quality content than WoW these days. I’d rather complete Temple of Light five more times.
I am in no way defending the raid rune cause I agree its crap, I just don’t think the regearing/respecing is as serious as you might think. I mean at this lvl range there is no real difference in tank/dps gear even more so for clothes since the only new gear that is designed around tanking is in the raid itself.
and I would not even say there is a tank spec at that lvl range since you only have like 11 talent points at 25? (I never count the 5 mandatory imp corruption as available points since no matter what spec your playing your gonna grab it.)
That’s like saying “oops I pooped my pants” and instead of trying to do better next time and go in the toilet, you just make sure you poop your pants every single day to make that first time not look like a strange accident that was out of character.
At least Blizzard have recognised they pooped their pants and admitted that it wasn’t their intent, they made a mistake and would try to clean it up.
Why are you wanting Blizzard to keep wearing their poopy pants?
At least they are getting feedback on those that worked and people liked (priest and paladin) and those that didn’t (metamorphosis).
I’d like to see more posts praising the other discoveries that were done well, so that style can be more widely implemented.
It is strange how something so iconic as metamorphosis managed to be implemented while breaking their own design rules.
Quite a lot of people would have to have been involved, known about, and signed off on the process, when it seems to be blatantly bad design at the most cursory of glances. Too close, maybe.
The question however is this a situation where blizz just plans on shrugging and going well better luck next time or have they said they are going to do something about the current rune?
I feel like this is a no-brainer hotfix where they just need to make mobs outside the raid drop the items